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6 years ago

Always great to hear from Nicole!

over analysis/doing everything themselves – I noticed at the TSP workshop I attended that the number of Myers-Briggs ‘rationals’ (INTP/ENTJ/ENTP/INTJ) was off the chart compared to their numbers within society. This group is KNOWN for over planning & believing that only they can ‘do it right’.

nicole sauce
nicole sauce
6 years ago

they do. intp right here:-)

6 years ago

I think there’s a nature (hardware) reality, but a nurture/socialization overlay (software).

I’m a hardware INTJ, but due to childhood circumstances, I needed to act as a guardian (ESFJ, ISFJ).

A way I’ve seen to figure out your hardware is to notice/observe what activity/way of being is ‘effortless’ for you. This is particularly important for non-Guardians, as ‘socialization’ (in the government school sense) pretty much equals ‘training you to be a Guardian’.

As Drucker points out in ‘Managing Oneself’, you’re going to get more mileage out of working on your strengths (going from good to great) instead of trying to improve your weaknesses (going from crappy to passable). To do that, you need to take inventory and figure out what your REAL strengths are.


nicole sauce
nicole sauce
6 years ago

I should see if I still have my Birkman analysis done by a professional. she gave me the test twice before and after I started my most successful business enterprise and it did change. in major ways. though one thing stayed the same : I have a built in distaste for paperwork :).

nicole sauce
nicole sauce
6 years ago
Reply to  nicole sauce

It is much harder to hurt my feeling because I only have one left than it used to be…

Nick in MNG
6 years ago

Tendency to over-plan… check. Usually thinking several steps ahead… check. Dislike relying on others and prefer to do things myself… check.

The test says I’m an INTJ… and I at least have to say the description sure sounds like me. The comment Jack just made reminded me again of some of the similarities between the INT_ descriptions and the people diagnosed as having Asperger’s Syndrome… how much of Asperger’s is really an inborn ‘condition’ and how much is it either just a personality trait OR an individual’s response or coping mechanism to some of the less tolerant / more sociopathic facets of society, like public schools?