You are Getting a Rewind Today – This is Why
Well it finally happened the old work horse PC I edit audio podcasts on shit the bed. It may just be the graphics card, (just sigh), IDK. I need to find someone local to help me who works on antique PCs this weekend to try to get her going again.
We will see.
Now I won’t lose any files, I have back ups, other machines. There are two main issues.
- I use this machine with older software on it for editing. It allows me to encode at FM radio quality this saves a ton on bandwidth and that helps me and many of you on sat internet, etc. There is no need to encode audio for talk show in better quality than FM stereo delivers.
` - I manage my email on it so all the expert council stuff for this week is there. Any email you send me I will get going forward but the old stuff is stranded for now.
Hence I just can’t do a new episode today or even edit an old one. So I am going to rewind an old rewind. The original episode itself is from 2009 so it is an in the car version. The rewind itself is from 2016. So it should be a fun one.
That rewind will drop soon, just wanted y’all to know why. I will have something in place by Monday for a new show.
* PS -This is now where everyone has an idea or suggestion. Don’t worry guys we will get it sorted on our end. There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes here that would take to long to explain. Remember I am a one man operation, I can edit and upload a show faster than you can tell me, “just use abc for this and xyz for that”. We will handle it.
Ffmpeg a free coder/encoder for windows/linux/Mac should be able to re-encode at almost any video and audio rate. It saves a lot of space while maintaining your desired quality.
Its also probably what the older software is using behind the scenes to do the encoding and splicing
Virtualize the old box and keep a clean copy of that kicking around in a backup storage near you, then you can spin it up on other hardware and move (or hobble) along until you get the physical machine going again
When it rains it pours… Thanks for all you do Jack.
This is where prior planning pays off, in that we still get a show. 🙂
We still get great content from you.
From my point of view, you have never lacked for great content.
In a way, this seems to fit well with yesterday’s podcast.
Thanks for all you do and have a great Weekend and Thanksgiving with your family.