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Chad Tudor
14 years ago

Thanks Jack! I bought the album, great investment of 2.50 to put some reLOVEution music on my iPod. 🙂

Dan Hunter
Dan Hunter
14 years ago

The new into music is 100x better.It fits the podcast and lifestyle.

Jon M
Jon M
14 years ago

Amazing Show Today, Jack. Truly Inspirational and encouraging. “The Revolution is You” – great message. This show should be the first one that new listeners hear.

The new intro music is much more relevant to the topic of the show. (I always thought “another day another dollar” was kind of negative in its lyrics …)

Keep up the good work!


14 years ago

hi jack great show
just wondering if you are going to put the song up for sell via the store
as i would love to buy a copy
to blare out driving down the road lol

thanks nathan

14 years ago

Jack- you really did pour everything into “the revolution is you”. I’ve been a prepper for a long time and i blog aswell, and you made me feel very good about continuing what I do. If only one person hears, it’s worth it. Like the new song too!

Dene Brock
14 years ago

Great show Jack.. and I love the new music! This is one of those episodes that is inspirational AND motivational.. keeps me moving down the path.

14 years ago

Although I enjoy 99.98 percent of your shows, this one was really great. I like the new song. I liked how you made me realize that I did start a revolution in me (I built a raised bed for the first time this year and if it ever stops snowing, I’ll plant it). Thanks again.

14 years ago

Hi Jack, loved the episode it was really inspiring.
My only issue is that it appears the quote you cited about a “rifle behind every blade of grass” appears to be a misquote and no reliable source for citation is apparent.

Regardless, good stuff and thank you for TSP!

Political Atheist
14 years ago

“I would never invade the United States, there would be a gun behind every blade of grass.”
–Admiral Yamamato, Commander of the Japanese Navy WW2

Bravo Jack! My favorite show so far. So right on, I could just hug you!

Cheryl Cook
Cheryl Cook
14 years ago

Jack, I love your show. I’m trying to join the Members Brigade, but am having trouble with Pay Pal. They have a credit card # on file from a closed bank account from where I used to live. Help! This is the last day of $35/yr. & I am on unemployment right now. I need the discount. Pay Pal will need 24 hrs. to correct & I don’t like using them anyway. The Armchair Survivalist says they are a rip off to the seller. Can I mail you a check thru US Postal service?

14 years ago

@Political Athiest
According to wikiquotes this is a fabricated quote, citing factcheck.org as their source: http://www.factcheck.org/2009/05/misquoting-yamamoto/

However if there is a book or documentation that someone can cite which shows the quote then please bring it to my attention so I can know the truth.

Political Atheist
14 years ago

Hmm… thanks for the post Hawaiian. But I am personally dubious of Annenberg foundation as they clearly have an agenda IMO. They’re the foundation that brought Obama and Bill Ayers together to “improve” education in Chicago. But that’s not to say the Yamamoto quote is fake. or not.


Gregg Yows
14 years ago

Greetings TSP!

I just wanted to thank Jack and my fellow TSPers who went over and purchased the new tune and contributed to Revolution Rock and Roll. I was truly humbled by this episode of TSP and am privileged to contribute.

There have only been a few folks in my life that I can honestly say have truly “transformed” the way I think about living life day in and day out. One is Dave Ramsey and the other is Jack Spirko.

Thanks again, Jack! It was a pleasure co-writing with you. Sorry for the late comment here, but I was away from technology this weekend. Specifically, I was spending the weekend (nights included) on the USS Lexington down in Corpus. That was also damned inspiring, I must say.

Thanks again to Matthew McCabe for doing a great job on the mix.

Stay safe, folks-

14 years ago

Great song Gregg and Jack!

I forwarded a link of both the song and show to our local conservative radio station. Hopefully, there’ll be some interest there.

Keep up the great work!

14 years ago

I enjoy the show and have since I started listeneing in the 50\’s episodes. I can say that the wife and aren\’t quite diggin the new intro. Just not the same so I have a feeling we\’ll be editing it out on our mp3\’s. Sorry, I guess I\’m just not ready for that change. How about using it as your exit music.

14 years ago

Hi Jack,
I love your podcast, and I was just listening to this episode. I just want to point out that Switzerland is NOT part of the European Union.

14 years ago




…I’ve listened to this episode 5 or 6 times.

“The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people… This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people was the real American Revolution.”

John Adams — 1818

…and I would add, the American revolution was never intended to end. Thanks for keeping the spirit alive, Jack. You’re an inspiration.

14 years ago

Yeah, I have way to much time on my hands Jack. I work a full time job, I garden, I do odd jobs for money in my spare time and when I’m not doing those things I’m trying to bea mentor for my neices and nephews. I have listened to every TSP show more than once, along with the 5 other shows I listen to on a regular basis. So if I have to edit out your theme music I know where the fast forward button is. I’m sorry I don’t share taste in music by hey it’s your show.

Gregg Yows
14 years ago

Hey Cheeta!

Music is like that. …gets you fired up. Why do you think bands are constantly breaking up? That is also the attraction (for me) and why I think music is such a powerful weapon in our movement. Music and art have always been behind any major societal change from religious hymns to taps and reveille.

I’m sorry the song is not your bag. I wouldn’t expect everyone to like it, of course. Maybe there is something else on RRR that you might like. Kevin Meyer’s song “Freedom’s Frame” is a keeper and a little more subdued.

Anyway, take care!


14 years ago

Great song. Maybe even better suited for TSP podcast. But I like original Coca-Cola better because it’s original Coca-Cola.

14 years ago

Thanks Gregg Y, I’ll take some time and look there.

14 years ago


I understand completely. When I turned on the podcast this morning, the music was different, not the expected and ritualistic “another day another dollar”. It’s not personal to the show, but just a force of habit.

In a couple weeks, I won’t even notice anymore.

Gregg Yows
14 years ago


As the guy who is hearing his voice singing at the beginning of the podcast every day, it freaks me out a bit too! I’ve never had a tune used as bumper music before (especially for a talk show that I listen to daily and have gotten so much out of).

But after a few days now, it’s starting to settle in for me and I’m really proud to have been able to contribute to the show’s continuing success in a small way.

Now if I could only decide on a new BOB…(Alice, MOLLE, Blackhawk…gees.)

14 years ago


It\’s a great song and totally appropriate for TSP.

Now for your BOB, would that be \"Molly\" or \"Moh-lay\"?

14 years ago

LOL I’m totally blown away. So much good information and a wonderfully inspirational episode and most of the comments are about the music. Says something about the human nature I guess.

Gregg Yows
14 years ago

Molly! (and thanks for escaping the quotes 😉