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15 years ago

Jack, am a Guard guy and am NOT in the slightest offended at your assessment of the prison guard MOS fiasco. Thanks to goobernmint and \"sensitivity\" considerations, we all pretty much have to use Politically Korreckt (or as I say Politically constipated) newspeak, so damn near everything has an Orwellian undertone to it.

BTW, the origins of the newspeak term, \"politically correct\" date to a 1927 USSR Communist party diktat to eliminate counter-revolutionary speech.

15 years ago

As far as bugging out, it’s a harsher climate for most Southerners, but how about Canada? Sure you don’t have the right to bear arms, but I’d think it would be better than China as far as “right to exist.” Of course if the poop meets the spinny thing, I suppose all bets are off.

Just mind the bears, moose, and beavers, eh?

15 years ago

“China is just too complex to approach almost any topic with a short answer and a one hour or ever two hour TV show simply can not explain about anything adequately. In short, applying western standards to China is simply not right and a very wrong approach.”

YAAASSS!!! That is EXACTLY why we have so much blankety-blankin’ trouble when it comes to foreign relations… And one reason why the founding fathers were vehement about foreign entanglements!!

Equus Pallidus
15 years ago

Student loans are a crime against humanity. So are Credit Cards.

15 years ago

@Modern Survival:

“Perhaps but if the USS America sinks I think we will suck Canada into the abyss. Note this was about a complete and total collapse not a I have had enough and want out decision.”

Good point – I was looking at it strictly from the “if you had to leave the country” idea, due to an oppressive government during a longer-term SHTF looking to recall precious metals or some other situation that wouldn’t directly affect ‘America’s Hat.’ But with the two economies being so intertwined it’s likely that we’ll either sink or swim together.

“I guess in Canada at least you can own a shotgun right so it ain’t all bad. I had no issue getting my rifles into Canada for hunting so there must be some way for a Canadian to own one too right?”

Yep, the restrictions on rifles are mostly for the tactical styles. We can even own handguns, but not those with a barrel under 4″ long (unless you have a Prohibited license, which the government doesn’t hand out any more, so …)

The Restricted/Prohibited list is here, I imagine most gun-owning readers/listeners here have at least one of them that isn’t a handgun.

Backwoods Engineer
Backwoods Engineer
15 years ago

Great show today, Jack. I really appreciated the tips about building your own range, as I am actively looking for bugout location land in the rolling hills of the Piedmont (NC), and now I know what to look for.

15 years ago

On the water will a charcoal type filter take out pickle smell in the water ? Icing ? BiPhenol A ?