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14 years ago


I work for one of the companies mentioned in the article on health care. Probably due to the circulation of the article amongst employees, the company issued an official statement to the employees. They said the media reports were taken out of context, and that they could not yet determine the impact of the health care laws since applicable rules are not yet available. They then indicated that they care about the well being of the employees and retirees, and they would be examining the new laws with the goal of attracting and retaining a highly skilled workforce to ensure the company is globally competitive.

This, of course, is standard exec-u-speak for “we are only responsible to the shareholders, and will do anything necessary to provide a return to the shareholders.” They did not deny anything in the article, only that it was taken “out of context.” I personally do not think it was very far out of context.

14 years ago


Again right on target! Great show.

I think Costa Rica is a great place to consider.
Costa Rica allows gun ownership for legal resident or citizen.


14 years ago


Does Ecuador allow gun ownership? I don’t recall if you specifically mentioned that in you podcast.

14 years ago

Great show as always!

I think you hit it spot on – Costa Rica and then Panama would likewise be my recommended bug out countries (if someone were inclined to have a bug out country). One thing to consider about Panama (and Ecuador) though is that they no longer have their own currency and both fully rely on the US dollar. If things completely melted down here in the US economically, they could likely be in as bad or worse shape than we would be in.

I do research in southern Costa Rica, on the Osa Peninsula, and use to own land there (as a foreigner you can own titled land in Costa Rica, however, you need to check in on your land every so often to ward off potential squatters). I agree 100% with what you said on your show; this region is the permaculturalist’s nirvana. Additionally, in this region and particularly on the Osa peninsula, there is a relatively independent and local system of commerce (food and such), which I feel could largely buffer the effects of most disasters that would call for having a bug out country.

Chad Tudor
14 years ago

If I got my gun rights revoked in the USA (Land of the free, my ass!) for PTSD bullshit diagnoses. Will the record follow me to Costa Rica? Will I be able to start over again?

14 years ago


To answer your questions:

Your record doesn’t follow you to Costa Rica – they don’t even extradite to the U.S.

And,, you wouldn’t be the first person to start over again in Costa Rica.

Plus, as an aside – They have relatively decent gun laws in Costa Rica and I haven’t seen any push to revoke them there any time soon.