
Episode-1715- Expert Council Q&A for 1-22-15 — 15 Comments

  1. Ooooooh! Why didn’t I save that article on .223 wall penetration? It was inspired by the box o truth but it went into more specialty rounds like 40 gr vmax and 55 gr TAP, stuff that was made for high fragmentation. They found that those rounds completely broke apart after passing through just a few interior walls. The conclusion I gathered from it was that with proper ammo, yes, someone in the next room might still have a bad day if you don’t hit your target, but your neighbor in the house across the street is not likely to catch your lead.

    For a home defense 5.56 rifle, look at InRange tv’s review of the kel Tec RDB (the 5.56 bull pup). The fragmentation of .223/5.56 rounds has a lot to do with the velocity, so does the wounding (the slower the 5.56 bullet travels the less effective it is). The RDB lets you have (almost) full velocity in a much shorter non SBR package.

  2. Jack,
    I’m trying to understand and apply your history segment on incorporation and the Constitution.
    Is it your interpretation that the National Firearms Act (a federal ban on certain types of firearms and firearm accessories) is unconstitutional, but state and local restrictions on firearms ownership, such as “high capacity” magazines, “assault rifles,” personal carry, are all allowed by the US Constitution?


    • Well sort of but no.

      Whether something like a magazine capacity is protected by the 2nd is debatable I guess in some ways. According to supreme court decisions anyway. I mean for me there is NO debate it is but that isn’t what current law says.

      Now to the crux of your question. Is it constitutional for Florida let’s say to violate the second amendment if their own constitution doesn’t provide equal or greater protection?

      The answer is it was, but it is no longer.

      Over time the court ruled that certain protections were applicable to the states. This wasn’t in one fail swoop but the incorporation of the Bill of Rights is the process by which American courts have applied portions of the U.S. Bill of Rights to the states. Prior to 1925, the Bill of Rights was held only to apply to the federal government.

      So at this point the state governments are restricted by the Bill of Rights in the past they were not.

      So the NFA is or is not constitutional in and of itself is the real question. But by the time it was passed the Bill or Rights had already be fully incorporated. Meaning if it were to be ruled unconstitutional it would now apply to the individual states as well.

      Ah what they don’t teach us in history class.

  3. Nitpicking here, but in reference to Dr. Bones advice, bilateral eye patching after a monocular injury is pointless. As soon as one goes to sleep and REM kicks in, both eyes will be moving anyway. And patching both eyes just further impairs one’s ability to get out of a crisis situation. And yes, I am an ophthalmologist who treats these types of injuries daily.

  4. For anyone that doubts the number of eggs that quail produce, here are my stats. I started recording how many eggs I collect each day from 18 hens on October 18th. By December 31st I had collected 1098 eggs. In 2.5 months. Pretty remarkable.

    • So 91 dozen and change, call it 90 for this purpose.

      4 dollars a dozen x 90 dozen, 360 dollars.

      Quail eat 2 pounds a month. 2.5 x 2 x 18 is 90 pounds, call it 100.

      Even if like me you are feeding absolute premium feed at 28 dollars a bag feed cost is 56 dollars.

      If you ate half and sold half to neighbors.

      Feed cost on the eggs, 180 in sales – 56 in cost. Equals 124 dollar profit even if you eat half your production.

      You just got paid, 124 dollars to eat fresh eggs better than any you can buy in a store. 45 dozen quails eggs are equivalent to 9 dozen chicken eggs.

      Remember I said 20 birds would give a person about the equivalent of 1 dozen chicken eggs a week if they sold half?


      2.5 months = 10 weeks
      Yield you have is 45 dozen quail eggs that are equilivent to 9 dozen chicken eggs at half keep in 10 weeks.

      Wow, for all the shit I took on Facebook for my numbers, how fing exact is that! Two more birds for six more weeks would be even at half frequency 42 more eggs, call it 36 to be conservative.

      So at half sale you would have literally been

      10 weeks – 10.5 dozen kept and 10.5 sold. Your real world numbers match my projections to almost an exact number. Almost like these are known numbers or something weird huh?

  5. Stephen Harris, thank you for your time and expertise.

    I should have been more specific as to my power usage plans…but you pretty much figured it out. Of course I can’t run high wattage appliances from a solar/battery bank.

    If I wanted to run the Honda 2000 to power either of my A/C units I would need to pair 2 Hondas together with the available pairing cords…I have a 6k troy built that I can use if I really need A/C.

    I don’t normally use the central heat. It consumes too much energy. I use a Mr. Heater, it puts out plenty of heat at a small fraction of propane cost and uses no electricity.

    Good point on the 2 used batteries. I will put them in my truck as standby power system!

  6. Just listened through this show, and after the end song and Jacks qualifiers around it, all I could think of is the line from old Carly Simon song : “These are the good old days!”.

    Good to remember. And while I don’t necessarily prescribe to the idea that we should ‘live FOR today’, I definitely think we should LIVE today! Make it a great one folks!

  7. For ducks, skip the pond and go with a large reed bed with 4-8″ of water. It’s good if it goes dry seasonally. The duck poop dehydrates in the dry periods and runs off to a collection point when the area is rehydrated. The reeds provide food, cover from predators, and cleaning of excess nutrients. You need the frequent dry-wet-dry cycle with a focused discharge area. This could be incorporated into a swale system. If you have to seal the soil, it will be hard to do on the size required. This is if you have a high water table, cooler climate, or compacted clay soils to begin with.

    You only occasionally see ducks on open water. If you were duck hunting however, you’d go to marsh land. That’s where ducks live, not on ponds and lakes, but the bordering shallows.

    I can verify the elderberry/comfrey compatibility. I grow 13 varieties of elderberry in a hedgerow surrounding my pasture, and use the comfrey to keep the pasture grass at bay. It works really well. It also keeps the poultry and sheep from grazing the elderberry plants, as they prefer the comfrey.

    Quail Vs Rabbit:
    Quail have eggs as a secondary product, for rabbits it’s furs (not edible, but still useful).
    Rabbit manure is easier to manage in an indoor environment (shed, basement)
    Quail do well in communal cages, rabbits over 9 weeks old should have their own cage, so rabbits cost more in infrastructure up front.
    Rabbits give a better feed to meat conversion, so if you’re buying feed, they are cheaper to raise.
    Quail tolerate heat better than rabbits.
    Rabbits tolerate cold better than quail.

    • I still REALLY like the idea of combining the two systems. Quail in a ‘free-range’ [perhaps with several space for rotation like Jack is setting up] Aviary with rabbit cages lining the walls and plenty of open space in the middle for the quails to get away from the spray.

      Seems to me the rabbit manure would attract a ton of free protein for the quail, particularly if the surrounding environment was pretty well vegetated as opposed to lawn desert.

      On ducks and sealing the reedbeds, can’t the ducks do that work themselves with their manure if you have a sufficiently rainy season and put sufficient density on it at the right time of year? [Probably not an option for mid-westerners with their evenly spaced rainstorms.]

  8. The reed bed makes very good sense. However if you’d like to use a duck pond, what about doing a hybrid between Jack and Erica’s solution? I’ve dumped Jack’s ponds, and it’s not the most pleasant chore.
    1. Make a stationary pond with a solid lining such as a stock tank or kiddie pool to prevent erosion.
    2. Add a drain valve to it by using a 3″ ABS with RV gate drain ($17).
    3. Instead of dumping the icky pond by hand, open the valve and drain it out then rinse the pond with the hose and refill it.
    4. If you have a few areas where you’d like the water to be used, put the pond higher than all of them and add Ys to your 3″ ABS drain to split off to them with gate valves for each.
    5. To avoid trapping sludge, try to keep a 1/8″ per foot drop in the pipe. It can run quite a ways because it won’t be passing “solids” so you could run it along a back fence or something to keep it out of sight.