Episode-2569- John Pugliano on Making America Great Again with Robots
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John Pugliano is the host of the popular investment podcast, the Wealthsteading Podcast, and is the founder and money manager at Investable Wealth, LLC. He has spent over 30 years studying and applying the habits of financially independent middle-class Americans.
His circuitous path to success included serving in the military as both enlisted and officer; a corporate career in sales; and finally a late blooming entrepreneur. John has an M.S. in Systems Management from the University of Southern California and a B.S. in Environmental Science & Engineering from Penn State. John and his wife Cheryl live in Utah and are the parents of six children.
John practices what he preaches. He believes in first being a disciplined saver, getting your preps in order, and then investing in the stock market. John is a long time TSP listener, he’s a lifetime MSB member and of course a member of our Expert Council.
John joins us today to discuss the coming wave of automation, how to prepare for it and more importantly how to capitalize on it.
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- The Robots are Coming by John Pugliano
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My boss had afib last week and his apple watch alerted him that he was in afib. That allowed him to go to the hospital right away instead of days later when he started feeling worn out and tired. It’s his third time to have afib and they usually have to shock his heart back into rhythm. This time his heart went back into normal rhythm without shocking him and his watch actually alerted him that he was back to normal. He called the nurses and they confirmed it was back to normal. His watch knew he was back to normal before the hospital did.