Episode-2839- Why Those in Power Have No Interest in Real Environmental Solutions
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To listen to politicians, oligarchs and technocrats speak today you’d think the number one thing they care about is the environment. I have been asked why I am convinced things like “climate change regulations” are nothing more than an excuse for a global tax. It is simple, I judge a source based on its most common behavior. IE what they do and do not do, not what they say.
What got me on this topic today as a video I posted from Geoff Lawton today about a 300 year old food forest in Vietnam. This site is under 2 acres and has been in the family for more than 20 generations. Geoff himself struggles with the scale of time on this type of establishment.
What I came away asking was…
If such things were common in our world how would it impact the people in power, vs. how would it benefit people in general?
The short answer is those who profit off the backs of the majority of humanity would not benefit from this at all, in fact they would lose in the two categories they most concern themselves with, power and money. Conversely humanity in general would benefit greatly in a modicom of ways from this type of 7 generational thinking.
As you will see today what is best for people in general is seldom best for those who seek to profit off people and to control them.
Join me Today to Discuss…
- Let’s define some of our biggest problems today and examine the best solutions to them
- World hunger
- Top soil loss
- Desertification
- Chemicals in our food
- Chemicals in our water
- Habitat loss
- Reliance on fossil fuels
- Pollution
- Lifestyle illnesses
- Lack of affordable housing
- Now I have some questions for you….
- In any instance can you tell me how politicians or billionaires benefit from the real solutions to these problems?
- If we have solutions to these issues that are proven, why are they not being used?
- What do multi generational homesteads do to the housing market?
- What effect does good health have on a multi trillion dollar medical and pharmaceutical market?
- What effect does zero waste have on a 2.3 trillion dollar waste management industry?
- What effect does grid independence have on the multi trillion dollar energy industry?
- What effect does 50% of home grown food with compost have on the chemical and fertilizer industries?
- Think about how all their “solutions” are centralized and all the real solutions are decentralized and ask yourself why
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- Last of My Kind – Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit
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Hey Jack, I think Half-Farmer Half-X has been forgotten but it has always stuck in my brain and such a beautiful way to solve a ton of problems.
The late David Fleming(phd in economics and founder of the UK green party) made an interesting proposal, that a carbon budget should be given first to the individual energy user as an entitlement.
That way those with the most energy efficient off grid systems could sell their unused carbon credits to the less efficient energy users and large industries on an open market (think UNISWAP or similar Decentralized Exchange) This would ensure that during inflationary or deflationary market conditions fair access to energy could be maintained.
This could be built on Etherum or Polkadot with less than 500 lines of code.
A scam is a scam even with better marketing. Carbon credits will never fix a thing, ever, in anyway. It is more fiat money printing for the elite.
This is not credit, this is an entitlement, (an externality, which the parasite class is already extracting from us by means of our internalized heath cost. coal=(cancer) and natural gas=(benzine tainted ground water) When a budgeting tool is put in place it could make the end user of carbon more cognizant of their use. (knowing is half the battle, (a spending log is the first step to prepping)
Rather than dictating changes from the top down this framework is driven by energy-users themselves, This stimulates creative intelligence, When users of the permaculture VPN (virtual private nation)are incentivized by a game theoretical early adoption curve we will bee surprised at the innovation that will emerge. You and I are already doing this stuff for free.