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Danny Howard Baker
Danny Howard Baker
6 years ago

I’ll be placing another order with Western Botanicals just because they didn’t tuck their tails between their legs like so many companies do these days because of some butt hurt complaining punk.

6 years ago

This is great news. Sounds like they responded in a very positive way. Good for them.

Tim Gottleber
Tim Gottleber
6 years ago

Rock on sir, rock on!

6 years ago

I guess I had to be there.  I missed what started all this drama.  But, if I bought herbs, Western Botanicals would be where I would go.

Roy Ramey
Roy Ramey
6 years ago

Same as what Charles said.

6 years ago

Sounds good, Jack.  Some people have too much time on their hands.

Thanks for letting us know.

6 years ago

That’s hilarious. “Please tell Western Botanicals how much you value them as a sponsor of The Survival Podcast and how much you enjoy doing business with them.” Then someone tells them that they aren’t doing business with them anymore. AYFKM. LOL.

It’s always amazing to me how people interpret the same thing so many different ways. Even though, in many cases, it seems obvious.

Max Noriega
Max Noriega
6 years ago

Its a perception issue. Reminds me of my conversation with my 4 year old about picking up his room and i explained to him that it’s not clean—- and his response was simply (Dad, but it looks clean to me)…out if the mouth of babes..

From my experience WB is a great company with an with a high quality product line. Glad this is resolved

A. Byars
A. Byars
6 years ago

I sure like Western Botanicals products and started buying from them because they’re a sponsor.

6 years ago

Never heard of them.  Went to their website.  Don’t often use this stuff, but am considering a purchase simply to offset the butt hurt dude.

User name: hogeye
User name: hogeye
6 years ago

Just placed an order with them and left them a nice note.

A.A. Forringer
6 years ago

Just placed and order and then sent a e-mail.


Diane Shearer
6 years ago

Hey, Jack, I just heard this episode. I did not know Western Botanicals is a Christian company. Knowing that makes me more willing to do business with them. I buy a lot of herbal stuff, but I just haven’t wrapped my head around their membership thing. I’m going over there to join right now, and to tell them I found them on TSP.