
Episode-192- Pest Control for a Sustainable Survival Garden — 23 Comments

  1. Dude! You are the man!

    I have tried gardening in the past, when we had a house and had “some” success, yet couldn’t figure out what the heck I was doing wrong. I tried organic gardening, but it wasn’t workin’ for me.

    Today, you answered a lot of my questions. I REALLY appreciate it. It’s nice to know that I am not a total dufus; I just didn’t know what I was doing wrong.

    I will be using multiple methods to ward off predatory bugs and I now know to expect my garden to “grow” stronger over the years.

    Thank you so much!

  2. Jack
    Great show my friend! my grandparents live in California and are always on a water ration. What my grandparents do is use the collected water after they hand wash their dishes and put it on he plants. saves on the water cost and keeps the “creepy crawlies” away. keep it up man.

  3. Great show again Jack. I’m glad you discussed betters reasons for organic gardening aside from what we see from the eco-left.

  4. Nice show…! Great hitting on the key thing – which is balancing an ecosystem that happens to produce your food – not focused on ‘fighting’ a particular pest. You can’t win with that approach alone.
    Worth mentioning also, NEEM oil for fruit trees and
    aerobic compost teas (simple to make, does wonders).
    Mulch mulch mulch!
    Good luck all…

  5. Good timing. My mother-in-law just asked me yesterday how to keep the bugs out of the garden. I had no idea, until now!

  6. You know me as Kaiservontexas on the forums . . . question: could you sometime do a gardening episode on what to grow at one season in Texas? I know you have more listeners then just our state, but I am very curious about it.

  7. Hey Jack, You mentioned liking the Adkins diet and I have been wondering what you thought the best “survival” diet should be for optimum health that can be continued even in an emergency situation. Maybe that can be a show topic? By the way, I use birds for insect control (like bats and purple martins) and you can buy ladybugs online to release in your garden to eat aphids! DE can also be used to dust your animals to keep off fleas and lice. Cover your eyes too when dusting. Great show!

  8. “Hey Jack, You mentioned liking the Adkins diet and I have been wondering what you thought the best “survival” diet should be for optimum health that can be continued even in an emergency situation. ”

    Bugs like grasshoppers. Google edible bugs. You can roast them or ethem raw. roasted isn’t quite as gross. They are a good source of protien. Forage such as tree leaves, again googlle edibe plants. Don’t kill yourself over hunger, there isw plenty to eat out there even in urban areas, go to edges of lakes and creeks to find them.

    Jack can elaborate.

  9. Jack,
    Great show about dealing with small pests. What’s your thoughts on large pests – Deer, rabbits, coons, etc. Look forward to hearing some great ideas.

  10. Jack,
    Great show about dealing with small pests. What’s your thoughts on large pests – Deer, rabbits, coons, etc. Look forward to hearing some great ideas.

    a rifle 😉

    Here in Central TX, deer are a big pest problem. You really have to put your garden where they can’t get to it. If you do SFG, it is supposed to be close to your house like the book suggests, that may help. I’m going to try garlic this year.

    Hey Jack…what about birds? The stupid grackles around here devour my tomatoes as soon as they turn red.

    Great show!

  11. Ransom

    Mocking birds do the same thing. Here is what I do, works on mockingbirds, you could try it on Grackls. Afyer little green tomatoes start showing up on many of the plants, I hang two red glass chrismas balls that people decorate their tree with on each plant. The birds see it and come pek on it and figure out it isn’t food and leave the tomatoes alone. Leave them hanging until you are done with harvest.

    Another thing I heard some one was having problems with squireels, rabbits and such. What an old timer taught me, I am in the ag bisness, is to go to to ladies buetie shop, and ask for their hair sweepings off the floor and spread it around the edge of your garden, human smell and all that. also found thathanging mall mirrors by a string in the trees around the garden keeps out most animal pests as it swirlsin the wind al flashes sunlight. All theese have been succesfull for me.

    Sorry if any bad grammar is included above. But I don’t think it will effect the results. I hope.


  12. Deer in the garden:

    I used to haule a 12 volt battery out to my patch, and a police scanner. I would put the police canner (hand held) in a plstic trash bag and hook it up to the batterey, I was also avoluteer fireman and had a 12v orange light that I hookedto the battery as well (although I don’t think this is neccessary, I was just really pissd). The intermitent voices on the scanner kept thje derrp away from my ea patch. Most stuf is trucked now, but there still are some rural places where police are not. Find maybe the a aircraft+ fire depratment+ whatever is in the area. also AM air traffic travels for many miles.

  13. i go to neighborhoods that rake up leaves in the fall. they even bag them up and put the bags on the curb for me. i compost very heavily for ever pound of food i take out of my garden i need to make sure that a pound of compost goes back into the garden. leaves, lawn grass clippings, and chicken manure are the big three for my compost piles. lots and lots of compost.

  14. Good topic for a show. I was actually wondering about the weed matting myself. For half my raised beds, I dug down and got rid of all the (visible) grass and weeds before moving the bed on top and filling it with dirt. For the other half I got lazy and put down weed blocker and just filled on top of that. It’ll be interesting to see if there’s a noticeable difference in what’s going on with the soil after the first year.

    BTW, what are your thoughts on greenhouse gardening? It seems like a great way to create a control environment (we’re having a wind storm and I’m wondering about how my tomatoes will fare even as I type!), but then you’re not going to have earthworms and such in the potting soil you use.

    I seem to remember you were ordering a little greenhouse last fall. Are you using it this year?

  15. Hey Jack, loved the show. But as an apartment dweller, restricted to patio gardening, how can I apply the ideas described in this show to a pot sitting on my slab of concrete? I just ordered a dwarf blueberry bush and some seeds, so I’m anxious to get started!

    Thanks again,

  16. Great Show! Just wanted to mention Clove Oil is another organic pest control. Also mixing several together such as the clove and garlic etc.. also works.

  17. Aphids love nasturtiums. Plant them, then when the aphids move to them, pull them up and throw them out. Then plant more.

  18. I’m new to composting… bought one of the Lowe\’s plastic models (for less than the cost would have been to build one using an online plan) and put it at the far end of the yard and have been happily filling it up with peelings, coffee grounds, carrot tops, straw, manure…

    Have been unhappy to see a few cockroaches… is this a natural result of having a compost pile, or am I possibly doing something wrong?

  19. Not all bugs are bad. Some bugs and insects that are beneficial to your garden by keeping the bad pest population under control. Once the bad or unwanted pests are gone the beneficial insects will die out shortly after or find a new location in search of food.

  20. @Irvine Pest Control,

    If you were not a bastard spammer you would have listened to the episode and known much of the show was on encouraging beneficial insects. However you are a maggot spammer and just wanted your link in my comments section. Hence I deleted you link but left your comment so others can see that SPAMMING MAGGOTS are not permitted at TSP. Find somewhere else to leave your spam. You are NOT welcome here.