Permaculture Classroom Events – With Nick Ferguson
Hey there TSP listeners, this is Nick Ferguson from
I’ve been a guest teacher at Jack’s events and he wanted me to share with you what all we are doing this new year!
We have a lot of exciting events and classes coming up this year starting Saturday Feburary 1st with Learn to Brew Beer and Cider!
We will be taking you step by step through the processes involved in brewing with basic easy methods using extract, all the way up to advanced All-Grain methods. You will also get to see how easy it is to make a great cider.
We will cover detailed topics about brewing such as:
- Sanitation
- Cleaning
- Water Chemistry
- Yeast Selection
- Yeast Handling and Propagation
- Extract Brewing
- Using Specialty Grains
- Formulating a Grain Bill for All Grain Brewing
- Mashing & Lautering
- Recirculating Wort
- Boiling
- Hop Selection, Utilization, and Timing
- Chilling
- Proper Yeast Rehydration
- Pitching Rates of Yeast
- Fermentation Control Methods and Tips
- Packaging the Finished Beer
- AND most of all, we will all get a chance to practice the most important part of brewing, tasting the beer. You know… Just to make sure it tastes good. Nobody wants bad beer walking around…
Come on over to to signup or look at the other classes coming up. We are expecting a blowout turnout with the brewing class but I want it to be all TSP listeners cause you guys are the coolest, best people to hang out with! So hurry up and get your ticket before they’re all gone, my wife Catie isn’t going to cook for more than 30 people and the tickets for the 1 day class are only $75.
We will have some good homebrew beer and cider available to try out, but bring some beer if you want to drink more than a couple glasses of the home-brew, I just don’t have the storage capacity to serve a lot of people
Other classes scheduled or in planning phase for this spring include:
- Tool Restoration Workshop
- Chicken Tractor and Rabbit Tractor Building Workshop
- Plant Propagation and Grafting Class (Seats are already filling)
- Earthworks Workshop
- Greenhouse/Shadehouse Class
Keep checking in for updates and new classes to be posted!
Hope to see you here!
Nick Ferguson