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11 years ago

I wonder how he finishes off the inside so that supplies and rations are safely stored?

Gene Pearcey
11 years ago
Reply to  Greg

Normally plastered.

11 years ago

Just wondering if Gene’s ever heard of insulating the thermal mass of the earth 20 feet around the home to elevate the earths natural temperature to around 74 degrees F- I read a book on the subject called Passive Annual Heat Storage by John Hait and I think it should work but won’t know until I build my house in a couple years. Gene, think it has any merit?

Gene Pearcey
11 years ago
Reply to  Rob

That has been done but it adds cost. The earth has to be compacted, graded, insulated. The percentage of increased performance is very small as the home is already very efficient. I can’t tell much difference in utility bills. I’m sure there would have to be some gain but I suspect not much. We normally apply urethane form to the outside of the shell and waterproof over that.

Rick Allen
Rick Allen
11 years ago

Excellent! The earth home is right up my alley of need-to-know information. Loved the shooting, followed the link and watched several more. A shame we don’t have some reps in Washington with his kind of wisdom and logic. Considering the mass stupidity that runs rampant, I suppose that would be counter intuitive, considering who is up there in Never-land now.
Congrats progressive liberals (socialists) everywhere. Your secret plan for dumbing down America and destroying our core values has succeeded. May you truly be worthy of the whirlwind your actions will reap. Unfortunately, we are in for the same ride.

Jack, another great podcast and please also accept my condolences concerning your furry friend. I lost my buddy three years ago and have yet to replace him. Eventually though, another will fill that hollow. Regards, Rick

11 years ago

That’s what you need Jack! An earth sheltered Sauna.

11 years ago

Awesome – I’m really looking forward to listening to this episode! I just happen to have built a house from one of Gene’s kits. 🙂

Art P.
Art P.
11 years ago
Reply to  Ian

You built one for yourself or someone else? Was it easy? How did it turn out?

11 years ago
Reply to  Art P.

I built it for myself, with the intermittent help of a couple neighbors. When I started, I had really no construction experience at all, and I was able to learn everything as I went. The main structural shell was actually very simple, although it’s a lot of work for one or two people. Gene isn’t exaggerating at all when he says that DIYers can build his kits. I hired a shotcrete crew to do the actual concrete spraying (they were used to making swimming pools, but handled the house shell just fine). Learning how to put together plumbing and electrical systems was much more complicated than the shell.

I did the bulk of the work back in 2009, and the finishing work has been going slowly since then simply because I have been living elsewhere pursuing other things (like my web site) and working on the house on weekends. I did put together a video about the project for GetRichSlowly.com, and it includes a photo montage of the construction process:


11 years ago
Reply to  Ian

Forgot to mention – I finally got the structure buried/bermed this past winter, and Gene is also not exaggerating about the temperature. I have no insulation on my shell, and about 2 feet of dirt on top of it. The chimney is still just an open hole in the roof, and yet I have never seen it colder than 54 inside, including mornings after nighttime temperatures in the teens. My place is in the high desert, a bit above 6,000 feet elevation – not brutally cold, but certainly an environment where everyone else is running wood or propane heat in the winter.

11 years ago

Couple comments on the gun things: First Gene mentioned that ‘some fool will trey to do a push against gun powder’. Already happening. Within days Frank Lauteberg from (say it with me) ‘new jersey’ is reintroducing a bill that got laughed out of congress previously. (http://www.lautenberg.senate.gov/newsroom/record.cfm?id=341435&amp😉 .
Other point was the one about Columbine being the ‘poster child’ for high capacity magazine bans. The other irony is the ENTIRE ‘Brady Campaign’ fight against semi autos and assault weapons was caused by brady begin shot by a .22 revolver.

trucker nate
trucker nate
11 years ago

Awesome show! I could have listened to that for hours. And after a trip to YouTube, I want to be a cowboy action shooter!

11 years ago

So, I guess you could put swales on your roof, and permaculture it. Talk about zone 1.

11 years ago
Reply to  Mason

You probably don’t want to actually swale the roof…deliberately holding water above the house is tempting fate for leaks.

11 years ago
Reply to  Mason

Probably a better place for your dryness loving plants. 😉

11 years ago

Gene mentioned an Oak Ridge report with guidance for appraisers of unusual/energy efficient structures…

Need it…

I’m working my Google Fu, but it has its limits. Jack, can you contact Gene to see if we can get a link? Or Gene, if you’re reading this can you provide a link to this report?


11 years ago
Gene Pearcey
11 years ago
Reply to  Luis

The shooting in Aurora was a posted gun free zone. All the school shootings were gun free zones. If you were going to shoot up a place would you prefer that no one had the means to defend themselves or would you prefer folks shoot back? Proven fact: less guns more chance of a gun crime. The safest place you can be is a shooting match where there are hundreds of armed folks with lots of guns and ammo. No robberies, no violence, hardly ever an argument. Chicago and New York City have every gun law one can think of and also the most murders in the U.S.

Dave. D.
Dave. D.
11 years ago

Love a good show on earch sheltering. I dont normally mention these sort of things, but in the future could we try not to call some anonomyous guy “some jew reporter”. I’m not saying anything was meant by it, but maybe something to try not for in the future.

11 years ago
Reply to  Dave. D.

That’s not what he said. He said that “Forbes sent a little Jewish guy out to the shooting school out in Cheyenne” to interview him. Remember ” ” Means: this is exactly what he said. The way you had it worded, it sounds dismissive, as if the guy didn’t matter because he was a Jew.
As a ‘some Jew’ myself, I wouldn’t take offense at either, because when I came up folks still taught me that ‘sticks and stones might break my bones, but names will never hurt me’. By the same token, ‘Jew’ isn’t a ‘name’ or something bad, it’s a designation or descriptor. The thing on my end is, as soon as he said that, I could see this ‘little Jewish guy’ with a notepad, talking with this weird cowboy dude in a Woody Allen meets John Wayne kind of scene. It lends context and ads an additional flair to the ‘Forbes never talked to me about all my business but interviewed me once I because a cowboy’ story. That’s how I took it anyway.
Not trying to correct you (other than the quote itself) or be argumentative, just perhaps another way to think about it that is less worrisome or whatever.