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NH Mountain Man
NH Mountain Man
8 years ago

Jack, always love the shows – but this one may have been one of your best. I consider myself a damn good “griller” but after listening to the show I feel like I didn’t know “jack-shit” – no pun intended. Just got a grass-fed steer that we raised back from the butcher – can’t wait to try some of your techniques and recipes.

Jerry Ward
8 years ago


What about a link to the pepper grinder you love? I have bought several over the years and have been very disappointed.

8 years ago

Another great show. Thanks Jack!

You didn’t cover the basic burger, for obvious reasons, but like not poking meat, people…. PLEASE stop squishing the crap out of your burgers when ya grill. Feel doneness by touch. No need to squirt all the moisture out looking for blood.

It will keep your burgers moist and much tastier.

8 years ago

Jack I learned about the smokenator from you and used it for a couple years and loved it. However my brother turned me on to a similar product called the “slow ‘n sear” and I like it even better. Similar to smokenator but holds more coals and more water, so great for longer smokes.

8 years ago

Great tip using a coffee grinder as a spice grinder. I do the same. It allows me to store whole spices, like coriander or cumin seeds, toast them in the cast iron pan when needed then crush/grind as required. Whole spices have a much longer shelf life so allow for excellent bulk purchases (w/in reason) and fresh toasted and ground makes a big difference! I also use it to make chile powders from the big bags of whole dried chile…enchiladas anyone?

8 years ago

What about breakfast? Another must have is a cast iron griddle. Not only is it great for grilling fish, but it brings pancakes, folded omelettes, sausage egg and cheese English muffins and BACON to the grill. Cooking and eating breakfast outside on a summer morning while it is still cool beats grilling steaks while it is 98 deg outside.

For spatulas, get the Dexter 8 inch x 3 inch cake/steak turner, with a little practice you will be flipping over easy eggs on your well seasoned griddle. It is now the only spatula I use.

For tongs, Adcraft XHT-16 16″ Long, Extra Heavy Stainless Steel Utility Tong they don’t have the bells and whistles others have but I use it to lift the lid on the dutch oven or flip the grate on the Lodge Hibachi.

There is a reason that these are used in nearly all restaurant kitchens.

Now for a dutch oven potato recipe:
Take new potatoes (as small as you can find or cut larger ones into chunks) and put them in a dutch oven with olive oil, sea salt, fresh ground black pepper and fresh rosemary. Cook with more bottom heat than normal for baking in a dutch oven. You want to get them crispy so you need that bottom heat. Stir them every now and then. When they are getting crispy add diced onion. Give them about 5 minutes or so and a couple stirs. Then add about 10 times as much as you think you should of fresh sliced garlic. I put in an entire bulb. Stir it again and add butter and fresh grated parmesan cheese. Now take the pot off of the coals and put the coals on the lid for only top heat.

Don’t think of outdoor cooking as being opposed to indoor cooking. I did those potatoes outside because the regular oven had a Prime Rib in it for Thanksgiving dinner. When Jack says to do things before you have to, don’t take that to mean you need to practice them for an emergency. Incorporate them into your daily life. You will find that they can actually be conveniences. It’s nice being able to watch a football game on tv (running off the inverter) while at the dove field before the birds come in.

matt ballard
matt ballard
8 years ago

Jack i loved this show.
i have a side smoker and for thanksgiving i smoked a turkey for my wives extended family. Created a brine and thawed the turkey in a cooler with the brine. they fell in love with it