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13 years ago

Yeah! There was something missing for sure! Glad your back. Have been listening to most of the older episodes in the past couple of months, so I was forced to listen to “The Self Sufficient Gardener” podcast 🙂 Oh well, forced, i kind a wanted too, but it’s nice to hear TSP again, bit easier to listen to, less pauses and more info in the same time.

Great story about the grasshopper and the ant!

13 years ago
Reply to  Jasper

Ouch! Lol


13 years ago
Reply to  Jason

Ohw don’t worry dude 🙂 It’s just me and my opinion. Your putting out a lot of information that’s useful for everybody, that’s why i listened to all episodes. Your atleast doing it, I would suck at it, so keep on going with SSGP and I’ll hop by once in a while, but i’m getting a ‘warmer’ feeling from TSP Didn’t want to put ya down, just blurps out of my mouth sometimes 🙂

13 years ago
Reply to  Jasper


Just remember there’s a person here who takes great pride in his product. I’m at a loss why you’d publicly belittle a show that costs me money to put out and you get for free and apparently listen to.

Jack is my friend but I am me and Jack is Jack. I’ll tell you to your face he does a better job.


13 years ago
Reply to  Jasper

Jason,I listen to all your shows.I love them! A lot of great info,very detailed esp when you talk about different bugs and plants,who knew how to process tabacco ? If people plan on using it to sell in a barter economy theyed better listen to your show. Dont pay attention to nay sayers.They just critizise people to feel more important,they could never do what you do.Keep up the good fight.

13 years ago
Reply to  Jasper

Thanks Trudy, very kind of you.


13 years ago
Reply to  Jasper

Tiss only the truth Jason.I’ve learned more about gardening from you then anyone in years,and Im getting old(yikes!). The insect info is very helpful,and I ‘ve learned alot when you talk about the family of different plants.Good info,thanks

13 years ago


You are so right that I need to get thicker skin. I’ve always been cursed (or blessed) with a heart firmly on my sleeve. I don’t know how you deal with the criticism. Something else I need to learn from you.

Thank you for your compliments as always.


13 years ago

Thanks, trying to give a complement to TSP was indeed what I was trying to do, not trying to shuv Jason / SSGP under the ground. Sorry if it came across that way Jason. As you probably noticed already, English is not my native language, so sometimes I use words that don´t deliver the message I intended.

SSGP is a good show too, that’s why I listened to all episodes and will continue to do so, but still like TSP better. Just like eating fish and chicken 🙂 Fish is nice, and i´ll continue to eat it, but chicken is better!

13 years ago

There is an old saying that i am going to … retell a bastardised version of …

Those that can, do. Those that can’t, criticize.

My suggestion is to suggest to those that think your shows are naff, that they have an opportunity to do better.

13 years ago
Reply to  Jason

Jason – keep it coming. I’m a faithful listener too. I loved the Fruit Tree episode. One of my favorite shows from either site.

13 years ago
Reply to  Jasper


I think that was the best inspirational podcast I have heard yet.

Great Job! I have a long ways to go, but am working on being an ant.

Oil Lady
Oil Lady
13 years ago

Jack, you just described the scourge and the delusion of American Exceptionalism to a tee.

Oil Lady
Oil Lady
13 years ago

Well, Jack, I’m not sure if what I am about to say is in 100% agreement with you, or if it skews off into a totally different trajectory from your position. I’ll leave it up to you to decide if you and I are thinking on the same wave length here.

But my feeling is that we have an exceptional and unique SYSTEM at our disposal (the American concept of self-governance and equality as originally laid out over 2 centuries ago). But then we as a nation went and mistakenly crossed our collective wires and came to believe that WE are what is unique and exceptional.

I guess it’s like a gun: in the hands of a competent and principled person, it’s an excellent way to help protect your assets and make life better for just about everyone involved. In the hands of a flaming fool, it’s a catastrophic instrument of grief. And in the hands of an insipid fiend, it’s a tool for brutal repression and injustice.

So we have a system here which is (in its original incarnation from 200+ years ago) excellent, unique, and the envy of the world. And yet sadly we have recently made a sub-conscious transference in our minds to believe that we ourselves are what is so excellent, unique and the envy of the world. And nowhere do we even conceive of the possibility that we are at all capable of devolving into either a) fools, or b) fiends.

Timothy French
13 years ago

Great show, A.N.T.S Americans Networking To Survive is well on its way to helping make America “One Nation Filled With Ants.” We have ants all across the country who prep and are ready to help out other ants during disasters.

I made a post on the A.N.T.S facebook wall to help promote your new design.

Great message,
Timothy French

13 years ago

In short, my brother, we have forgotten the value of value. I hope your batteries are recharged and all systems are go, for brother I believe that what you predict, it’s coming sooner than later and it’s gonna last longer. I just hope that on the other side we can follow the ancient Egyptians and rebuild even stronger; We are a people who can learn and use that knowledge just like the early Americans. Sometimes, getting kicked in the teeth is a powerful reason to remember not to do stupid things, like electing stupid people.

Great to have you back


Stuck in Connecticut
Stuck in Connecticut
13 years ago

You definitely sound recharged Jack! Welcome back. GREAT SHOW!

13 years ago

I’m sorry guys, this smart-ass comment is just bursting to be left out …

but if you are trying to create a nation of ants, who will be the queen? ….

right off to actually listen to the show now

13 years ago
Reply to  Entity

and would that queen be “ANTi-establishment”? 😉

13 years ago


I was thinking about this the other day… When somebody asks you what you do for a living, you could just tell them that you are an Ant Farmer. While Antificator (One busy with the work of Antification I assume) is a neat word, I personally like Ant Farmer more… of course, a professional pod-caster works as well.

Just my 2cents… good work!

13 years ago

Whatever drugs Jack is on, I want it too.

The most explosive show start in a long time 😉

13 years ago

Thank You Jack! Just what I needed to hear got me charged up again! Hubby listened and I think I saw a light bulb go off in his head! Thank you

13 years ago

Great show!
I actually applauded, though only my computer screen could hear it.

“Antification of the Nation”
“Antify or die”
“the Wisdom of antism”

…sound like great t-shirts and bumper stickers!

On a side note, as you were mentioning eating lamb’s quarter, I was eating a bowl of home-made barley soup. Barley (from my preps), carrots & celery(from my garden), and lamb’s quarter (wild from the yard).
Quite delicious.
Thanks for a good show (Facebooking this one) and welcome back!

Daniel Abasolo
Daniel Abasolo
13 years ago

Just a little FYI about your fable: While I never heard the story of “the grasshopper and the ant,” I did hear the story of the “Cricket and the Squirrel.” In my version the Squirrel was busy hiding nuts all summer and Cricket would spend his summer staying up late, playing his fiddle instead of working. Then winter comes along and Cricket has no food, etc. Maybe if you meet someone else who’s never heard the ant/grasshopper version, ask them if they’ve heard the cricket/squirrel version.

Ronnie from Iowa
Ronnie from Iowa
13 years ago

I love YOUR ending to the Ant & the Grasshopper. I keep hoping my daughter and her husband will wake up one of these days. They make very good money but spend it like there is no tomorrow…nothing saved. *sigh* They’re grasshoppers for sure.

Brian Norton
Brian Norton
13 years ago

Fantastic show! You always motivate me to push forward. Startedthe build outif my Aquaponic system last week. I’m on a 6 month glide slope to shit can my corp sales gig. REALLY looking forward to being a farmer/teacher and just doing it.

One day we will enjoy a fantastic homebrew together. It’s in the cards.


13 years ago

Hey, my aunts were hardworkin’ pioneer type gals. I remember one aunt used to work at a bank, come home and drive the baler and fix dinner for the haying crew.{not at the same time-she wasn’t that good..]

So when I think of the saying “Go to the ant, thou sluggard, consider her ways and be wise”, I tend to spell it both ways.

13 years ago


I’ve heard that we didn’t lose Vietnam. Supposedly, we had a peace accord signed but Congress decided to unfund it and South Vietnam didn’t get the military supplies we had promised them.

13 years ago

funny you should bring up the ant and the grasshopper again. I was just reading asop’s fables the other week. Here’s the version of the ant and the grasshopper as it stands now from my kindle app:

The Ants and the Grasshopper THE ANTS were spending a fine winter’s day drying grain collected in the summertime. A Grasshopper, perishing with famine, passed by and earnestly begged for a little food. The Ants inquired of him, “Why did you not treasure up food during the summer?” He replied, “I had not leisure enough. I passed the days in singing.” They then said in derision: “If you were foolish enough to sing all the summer, you must dance supperless to bed in the winter.”

Translated by George Fyler Townsend. Aesop’s Fables (p. 17). Amazon Digital Services, Inc..

13 years ago
Reply to  Will

I should probably add that I actually like your version better.

Brent Eamer
Brent Eamer
13 years ago

Thanks Jack, this episode enabled me to finish peeling my 50lb bag of carrots, I am dehydrating them. 50lbs dont look like much in 1.9 quart mason jars…

13 years ago

I just started listening to the show this morning and will finish after work. I also thought that others had heard the story of the Ant and the Grasshopper. It motivated me to go back and read some of Aesop’s other Fables and I found this free site I thought I would pass along, which I hope is OK. http://www.aesopfables.com/aesopsel.html
I remember hearing a lot of these growing up and there are a lot of good lessons that should be passed onto the next generation.

Clay Farmer
13 years ago

Jack, this may have been your best show yet, and I’ve listedened to ALL of them! You definitely got me fired up today!

13 years ago

The velocity of money has nothing to do with inflation. For example, say Mr. A gives $10 dollars for 10 apples from Mr. B. Mr. B exchanges the $10 for 10 oranges from Mr. C. Mr. C exchanges the $10 dollars for 10 bananas. So in this example there are 3 exchanges of the same 10 dollars, and when the money is exchanged a good is exchanged. What if the same $10 dollars was exchanged 10, 50, or 100 times? Well then goods would be exchanged the same amount. For the velocity to increase the amount of produced goods for exchange, must increase. So if more goods are being purchased/exchanged with the same $10, how does this explain higher prices?

Another Problem: How many times can you spend your income? I can only spend my income once a year. How is more money circulated by more people, on average, if they don’t have more money, on average (monetary inflation)?

Finally, the concept of monetary velocity is simply a denial of supply and demand setting price; in this case for the price of money. How can you not take the changing supply of money into account by invoking monetary velocity?

The monetary velocity if Keynesian nonsense by which you should not be confused.

13 years ago

I am not sure how I am completely wrong and ignorant of basic laws of economics; no argument was given by you regarding basic economics, only a link supplied, which I will discuss in a little bit. My first paragraph discussed economic exchange, my second income and spending, and my third paragraph discussed supply and demand All of these illustrated the absurdity of the concept of velocity of money in the context of these economic concepts. Please explain to me, and anyone else interested, on how I misapplied these principles.

The site you link to is completely confused, like most with a Keynesian bent. The math is only as good as the underlying assumptions. Look at the equation: Money * Velocity = Price * Transactions; another way of writing it would be M = (P*T)/V. This means that Money Supply is indirectly proportional to Velocity. If you believe in this equation, than the conclusion you must come to is that an increase in Velocity means a decrease in Money Supply. How does money disappear when more people are transacting with it more; do people really contract the money supply by using money? Again, the equation is good as it’s underlying assumptions. Consider reading: http://mises.org/daily/2916, and http://mises.org/daily/918.

Modern Survival
13 years ago
Reply to  Rorschach

@Rorschach Sorry dude you can’t just say Keynesian and make something go away. Your entire argument is so off that no responding isn’t necessary. I will respond to one contention just to show how much you are missing the mark, you stated,

“Another Problem: How many times can you spend your income? I can only spend my income once a year. ”

As my son would say, FAIL, it isn’t you spending your money it is how many times that money is spent and spent again and again. If the Fed prints a few trillion which it did, if it puts it into the banks which it did, if the banks sit on it and they are, if the corps that earn most of what passes through also sit on it, it does NOT flow, “velocity”, and inflation is low, which it is.

What you are seeing right now is actually proof the Keynesian can’t just make inflation when ever they want, they want a LOT more inflation right now but people are not spending at past levels and more money isn’t be lent at past levels. Velocity isn’t just money moving it is also money expanding via lending. When money moves in a fractional system it expands, that is where the real inflation comes from. All the Fed can do is dump it in the top, where it goes from there is still largely controlled by the market.

Sorry if you think there is no correlation between velocity of money and inflation you are just wrong.

13 years ago

“Sorry dude you can’t just say Keynesian and make something go away.”

I have given 4 arguments not dependent on the claim that monetary velocity is Keynesians; although, I make this claim. I even discussed with specific concepts of the first 3 argument in my second post and provided another new argument in that second post. How are these arguments based upon the claim that monetary velocity is Keynesianism? The last argument in the second post is mathematical, and it’s high school math. This should have been an easy example to show a problem with, if it exists. All you have to do is show that I fouled up the equation by adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing by Keynes to try to trick people from seeing the real argument; I am sure this is in there somewhere.

“it isn’t you spending your money it is how many times that money is spent and spent again and again.”

I discussed this in the 1st paragraph of my 1st post. In my example multiple people spend/move the same $10 through this mini economy; then I abstract and say what if more people did the same. The more times a unit of money is exchanged the more goods per unit of money are exchanged. This repeat spending of money is adequately demonstrated in the example and the principle clearly stated in the paragraph, yet the objection is raised by you. My question remains: how are prices higher if people repeatedly spend the same money for many goods, or more goods than they did before?

“Another Problem: How many times can you spend your income? I can only spend my income once a year. ”
As my son would say, FAIL, it isn’t you spending your money it is how many times that money is spent and spent again and again.”

Yes, I am repeating a portion of quotes, but this section of you response was wrong on a couple of levels. The point of this, and I could have clearer, is that my production and spending determines how much money moves through my hands and back out, velocity is determined by people. I have to produce to receive money, unless it is printed and given to me, and then I pass on my money for others goods and services. The money doesn’t just move from hand to hand bidding up prices somehow, but is exchange from goods and services at every level when it moves. My income (production), can only be spent (consumed) in total once in cash transactions. The money stops until there is something else valued is created by me or someone else for which to exchange it. But again more velocity means more goods and services.

“Velocity isn’t just money moving it is also money expanding via lending. ”

Expanding via lending? Do you mean fractional reserve banking? So then, is velocity the same inflation, or a separate thing? Expanding the money supply is a term I would expect to be used in discussing inflation. I am not sure if the sentence is trying to create a new definition for velocity. If so this is an argumentation logic error. If not please clarify.

If the Fed prints a few trillion which it did, if it puts it into the banks which it did, if the banks sit on it and they are, if the corps that earn most of what passes through also sit on it, it does NOT flow, “velocity”, and inflation is low, which it is.
“What you are seeing right now is actually proof the Keynesian can’t just make inflation whenever they want, they want a LOT more inflation right now but people are not spending at past levels and more money isn’t be lent at past levels. Velocity isn’t just money moving it is also money expanding via lending. When money moves in a fractional system it expands, that is where the real inflation comes from. All the Fed can do is dump it in the top, where it goes from there is still largely controlled by the market. “

Why didn’t the people of Zimbabwe just stop the inflation by lowering the velocity? So is your analysis that their market really must have wanted hyperinflation? The Fed can move money into the market in other ways than through banks; maybe this is illegal according to their charter, but I don’t think this would matter to the Fed. Why aren’t they? Banks suffer during hyperinflation; their main asset, money, dies. The Fed does not want to wipe out its assets. The Keynesians at the Fed believe in a ‘correct’ level of inflation and will likely significantly overshoot it with their production of money. And which of the statistics are you referring to when you say inflation is not high?

13 years ago

velocity of money – the speed at which money moves and multiplies in an economy

http://www.investopedia.com/terms/v/velocity.asp#axzz1ZVUVdIzk, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Velocity_of_money

“Of course I don’t side with the Keynesian as to how things should be done but I am not in denial of how things are being done.”
I don’t believe that you side with the Keynesians on how things should be done. My point is that some of the Keynesian believes are nonsensical, but most of your listeners, including me, were taught them in school, and did not question it much then. Many of you listeners have just thought about the morality of Keynesianism, and not the internal consistency. These beliefs have caused problems in our economy, and trusting their explanation will only in the end contribute the economic malinvestment, and difficulty are economy will be experiencing in the future. Yes, this is at some level about ideology, but it is also about logic. What if economic theory “X” recommended that all dollars be printed as square circles. How much land, labor and capital could be wasted on this if most the population believed this was the right thing to do, and committed significant resources to this? Government grants for research into the square circle dollar, tree cut down in the attempt to produce one, etc. This example is easier to see than the monetary velocity issue, but people are making decisions on this issue. This is why we have to question them, even if it flies in the face of ideas that we already “know”. You have actually done this when you talk about the nature of money; question conventional wisdom that is, and essentially stating money’s value is external to the medium of money.

The fact is I could print trillions of dollars and if they are not spent, inflation doesn’t happen.

Not all currency is part of the money supply, depending on which measure you use(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Money_supply#Empirical_measures), this is part of the reason I asked about which measure of money earlier. Notice that excess reserves are not counted in any of the measures of money supply except for the monetary base. Consider reading comments 2 and 3 @ http://www.economicsjunkie.com/true-money-supply/. Of course, what the Fed is doing will become part of the money supply, but it is not yet. I do think they could still choose a more direct approach and move new money directly into the economy if they wanted to do this, but probably have chosen not too as I explained before, but there is the possibility that they are hindered intellectually for some reason by their own theories on how to do this.

“Rorschach, I am done and you can believe what you want.” “Your question about Zimbabwe shows a complete lack of understanding of the concept.” “I am happy to debate facts, you want to debate ideology.” “Now go eat your gold.”

All of these statements replace argumentation and thinking with simple dismissive statements, and these are only the ones from you final post. Oh, and gold is not really toxic (http://www.espi-metals.com/msds's/gold.htm, http://msds.chem.ox.ac.uk/GO/gold.html, http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2011-09/heart-patch-gold-nanowire-helps-rebuild-cardiac-tissue) so if I ate the gold I would only be wasting good gold, but some gold salts are.