Out Back with Jack – Epi-3026
Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:07:52 — 15.5MB)
Today we are back after our holiday shutdown with an episode of “Outback with Jack”. These podcasts will be generated though back porch (weather permitting) live steam sessions done early early in the morning. That will be approximately 0730-0830 CST.
These podcasts will are a lot like old school TSPC episodes on a variety of topics, many quite topical from the news and from social media. Each show will covers a bullet point list of 5-12 topics that I will handle rather rapid fire.
From there we will talk about what ever the live audience comes up with. These livestreams will then be converted to MP3s and put out in the standard TSPC Podcast feeds under the new series title of “Outback with Jack”
Today we discuss Neil Young’s self cancelation, the trucker rebellion, arrest warrants are not IDs, is bitcoin at its bottom, a doctor in the audience defends covid vaccines and more.
Todays Pre Set Subjects Include…
- Is Neil Young’s song “Ohio” ironic at this point or is there a simple and political explanation
- Update on Baker Creek, no they do not require vaccines to keep your job
- Fox News (Tucker Carlson) finally covered the the Truckers Rebellion with more than a 30 second blip – (link)
- Trudeau is heading for the hills because he was “exposed” – (link)
- Not only are illegal aliens being flown around the country they can now use arrest warrants for ID on other flights (link)
- The question no journalist will ever ask Biden about his next SCOTUS pick and why Bryer is being forced out
- Has Bitcoin found its bottom
- A doctor told me that excess deaths prove CoVid deaths are under reported, questions I asked he did not even try to answer
- Have you looked at deaths reported to VAERS and considered that VAERS is underreported
- How many “excess deaths” are due to not getting treatment, canceled cancer screenings, etc.
- How many were due to excess suicides due to lockdowns, lost businesses, etc.
- How many were due to the massive increase in drug and alcohol use during the lockdowns
- What is going on in science is not a “conspiracy” it is in plain sight but no one wants to look at it
- Funding is controlled by a very small number of people
- Journalists have been trained to follow “rules”
- Everything is actually mostly in public record and can be verified
- A video presentation by Scot Atlas you must see – (link)
- Two things that seem counter can both be true (vaccines) and let’s talk germ vs. terrain (pleomorphic) theory one more time, one does not exclude the other
Resources for today’s show
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Live Feed Video Playback From this Podcast
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon.
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Well covered Jack. I’m a Zello junkie today listening to the progression. I would agree with those numbers. I’ve lived in Ottawa and it would only take 50 18 wheelers to clog Parliament Hill. My FB friend list has been shrinking daily 🙂
I’m proud to be a member of the small fringe minority with unacceptable views, our version of “Basket of Deporables”
To listen to the zello feed, it’s amazing to listen to the truckers coordinating fuel availability, potential infiltrators, assisting emergency vehicles. A bit of Anarchy goes a long way
Live Feed, see how long it stays up:
Well I hope Neil Young will remember, a southern man don’t need him around anyhow.
“What it was, was football”
Tucker Carlson tells the truth….eventually…. Man that’s funny but true. I get impatient waiting sometimes on him to cover something
There is just so much to cover. I ended up trying out the fox app to get more of him. His stuff over there is even better. he sucked me in.
This twitter account has some coverage of the Canadian convoy. I am amazed at all the people lining the roads in the freezing cold showing support. Maybe their country is not totally lost. https://twitter.com/ElectionWiz
love LOVE your show Jack. You’re my go to show now for survivalism and current events. Been listening since 2008. Looking forward to future episodes.
One thing that all sides do not speak on with this pandemic. is the reason for the cover up of generic cheep drugs that are still being trashed and even outlawed for prescribing. Certainly NO proper studies where done and we know of at least one that was published that was completed debunked and withdrawn. That is a real rarely with peer reviewed published science. The number ONE reason for this cover up: THERE CAN BE NOT ONE TREATMENT TO GET ANY VACCINE APPROVED UNDER EUA!. Also the Pharma run CDC and FDA can’t have a generic med coming to the rescue. No money in that.