No Show Today 3-1-13
Well I picked up some kind of crud and what I though what just a bit of laryngitis is a full blown cold/flu some crap. I don’t actually feel bad at all other then some congestion. My voice is awful. I figure it was being in airplanes going to or from NH either that or one of you freestaters infected me.
I feel bad about it because we missed a call in show last week for my travel. I am doing some therapy on my throat and if I am up to it I will do a call in show over the weekend. Right now the quality of the show will be crap and it will simply damage my voice further.
I have a lot of important things to discuss with you guys right now so this isn’t a easy decision. However, I recorded the intro segment and after doing so and listening to it my only thought was, I can’t air that! I will do what I can to get this next episode out asap, now perhaps for some tea, honey and whiskey. It worked for Grandma.
I know I will get a lot of “get well” type things but don’t really worry about it. It is far more a voice thing then anything else. In fact I may go work in the garden since I am not recording today, those huguls are not going to dig themselves.
The key here is I could push though the show but the quality will suck, I don’t think that is fair to the audience so please excuse the break in programming.
Prolly airplane germs from your trip to NH. Take care & get better & fingers crossed Dorothy doesn’t get it too.
Couldn’t be from NH. There was enough alcohol to kill off any germs.
ROFLMAO! Not blaming NH, Jeff, blaming airplanes. 😉
I hope we get to hear your secret for why state nullification is the only option soon 🙁
Have you ever tried the Chinese method of dealing with cold/flu?
They are teaching it now in acupuncture or herbal clinic. It doesn’t involve needles (many people afraid of needles) or fire like the moxibustion using the smoke. This is called Gua Sha. Just using a spoon.
I found that method works best with cold/flu especially when there’s body ache. Looks bad but cut off major chunk of recovery time.
If you are interested, Jack, email me and I will send you the pathways drawing.
I recommend the Korean method–soju and kimchee. 🙂
Hope you feel better Jack, I hear its been going around
Well, if there is no show, at least post some pics of the work you do in the garden today slacker 😛
The slacker comment is just a joke people.
Dorothy would never let Jack slack! opps that rhymes
Hope you feel better soon Jack! Looking forward to the news.
You might want to try sucking on raw lemons. It’s a drill sergeant trick. There’s a lot of yelling involved, so instructors need to have something that works on sore throats. Hope this helps!
I’m sure I’ll hear something about “Lemons being available in Texas in February is part of the problem!”
I agree. Now go suck a lemon. 🙂
Don’t worry about us, or what we miss, you just get well, and come back stronger! Fluids, rest, and good thoughts.
You probably got the crud from flying over NY.
We are overflowing with it.
You could always get in the Jetta and do the show and blame the quality on road noise
We did connect in NYC at LaGuardia Airport. So ummm, yea…. might be something to that, NYC Flu! It is interfering with both my life and my business so that adds up, LOL.
The suspense is killing me! Hope You feel better soon!
Hey people– here’s a great old show to listen to while Jack’s voice gets better:
Episode 610 – Staying Positive in a World Full of Disaster
And also– get registered at!
Yes! My grandma also made sure that hot toddies were a home remedy that were passed down the generations. Feel better soon.
Get well Jack. What are your thoughts on “Sequestration “?
I did not think that they would let it happen but it did. The world did not end.
Bring it on, bring more of it, cut everything not just what they did this time, take at least 5% out of all the entitlements. Cap spending growth for 5 years after that. Cut the whole shitty mess by 1.3 trillion and balance the damn budget, we certianly can survive spending what we spent in 2007.
Everybody I know has been hit with it – I have had mucous in my throat for about 2 wks, and some extent of soreness which is FINALLY going away. So I can empathize; get well soon.
Try another “ancient Chinese” secret. Ginger tea. Just slice up raw ginger, boil in water, add honey or sugar, drink piping hot. Works great!
What? Huh? Sorry Jack you’re gonna have to speak up we can’t hear you…
Get Well Soon. We enjoy your podcasts.
A second to ginger tea- boil/ simmer it up – add honey to taste.
This is a time for some carbs.
I’ve been re- listening to past episodes as well in Feb.
I’ll go stoke up the episode 610 too.
I recommend Earl Grey and some Honey. Will make your throat feel much better.
Get well soon.
Looking forward to hearing about what herbal remedies you apply!
Next time you have to miss, could you repost a best of show. I listen with stitcher app and can not go back to listen to old shows.
Nothing like breathing recirculated air on a plane to ensure some nasty bug. Vitamin C, and upgrade the quality of your whiskey by a minimum of two notches. Get well soon.
quality or quantity?!? (wink)
@ blueyedmule – ahh “soju” ! You may still be sick but at least you won’t care!! 🙂 Kimchi could also help depending on the “heat” factor, capsaicin is a good blood purifier!.
I’ve just been reading about the possible benefits of olive leaf extract (+ echinacea) as an antiviral, con anyone here comment on this. I caught the crud last weeek and just can’t shake it despite lysine, zinc, C, D and ech/goldenseal. Damn this is some NASTY stuff!
I make a living with my voice, too. Get yourself some Entertainer’s Secret. It’s a spray. Pretty good stuff. Google.
Hope you get to feeling better!