
No Show for Labor Day but a PermaEthos Update — 8 Comments

    • Well you can hear the permaethos update over there now if you want to man. I am now officially off for the rest of the day. We are building a water catchment system today to use dripping from our AC.

  1. Hey Jack,
    I have read the entire blog at PE but I don’t see where I go to “sign up” for notifications… Guess I am a bit thick… can you advise?


    • Indeed, they may be. With that and gray water a LOT of issues may go away, or not. Some places won’t let you hook up power without septic. But that may or may not be a concern, one way or another.

  2. The more I hear, the more I like. I think you’re onto a winning proposition, Jack. This is almost enough motivation to make me return to Texas. Some Pathfinder friends have been looking for a vehicle of this nature, to set up an off grid (or at least mostly off grid) retreat type community. It would be awesome to be part of a group of like minded people. The very best to everyone who follows the dream. Happy Labor day (belated).