No Friday Show Today
Well it has nothing to do with the latest snow fall (over 3 inches in Dallas-Ft. Worth on top of compacted ice, God but watching the news is humorous this morning) but there will be no show today. As anyone who has been listening the past few weeks would know my voice has been really strained with this cold/flu/whatever that I have been dealing with. Something ramped it up over the last two days and with all the coughing my throat is simply to raw to produce a show today.
I have actually been coughing to the point where my head and back hurts. No sympathy is desired or sought, I just want everyone to know I take canceling a show to be a serious matter and really hate doing it, I am also a realist though and know I would be so bad today that no one would really be able to tolerate listening and it will only do more harm to my vocal cords. I don’t really feel that bad so I am going to dedicate today to doing a lot of organizational things and some future show research.
Again I apologize for canceling today’s show but it is simply one of those times where I don’t really have a choice. Yesterday’s show is a good example if you listen to the introduction you will hear how bad I was getting. It took me 15 minutes with stops and pauses to do the 5 introduction. The interview with Clayton was prerecorded five days earlier. If you listen to the intro and then to the actual interview the difference is quite dramatic.
Some good news, Monday I will be back of course and Monday afternoon I will be interviewing Sam Benowitz who is the owner of Raintree Nursery. Raintree is my source for many of the lesser known perennials that I discuss on many of permaculture style shows. Stuff like edible dogwood, blue honeysuckle, aronia, goumi, sea buckthorn and more. Sam’s interview should air on Tuesday next week, we will be talking about integrating some of these lesser known plants into your homesteading and how to use and care for them.
So until next week I will sign off, again I don’t really feel bad I just don’t have much of a voice today. Be well all, and try to stay warm out there and safe if you have to go on the roads.
Tech support for the site and MSB will not be effected during this time except Sunday afternoon and with that thought GO STEELERS!
I’m dealing with the same thing here in Wisconsin just not as bad of a cough. Menthol and eucalyptus are wonderful things. (I don’t care who wins the Super Bowl, I just wish the St.Louis Blues were playing better.)
Sorry to hear you still aren’t over the crap yet. Take it easy and get better.
Random idea: introduce occasional (once every 2 weeks maybe) shows that are made by trusted fans. I for one would enjoy Patriot Nurse Wednesday or Ron Hood Thursday, for instance. That way you could get more rest days and your fans get a chance to be a part of the show.
If I was there, I’d give you one of the Horehound cough drops I made. They don’t taste great but they sure do bring up the phlegm.
Get well soon Jack.
Get well soon Jack,,We need your shows..I agree with the above comment. Maybe you need more rest and you could have Patriot Nurse or someone do a few shows for you. Get well and we support you from Maine. we over 120 inches of snow here so far…
Jack any idea when your book “Mastering the 22 rife” will be available?
Sick here too. 🙁 Hope we both get well soon.
Sorry, I’m pulling for the Pack. Enjoy the game.
“No sympathy is desired or sought”
Well I’m going to send sympathy anyway. What you gonna do about it tough guy?! 🙂
Seriously, resting your voice will help it heal. So take a well earned break and get well soon.
Hope you can get over this crap faster than I am! Gone through week 3 and going through week 4 with no signs of relief!
To the folks suggesting letting others produce a few shows a week, not practical, not desired. I don’t think most people understand the discipline needed to do a show with any frequency.
I’ll miss listening to the show tonight.Get well soon.
Sick here too. I don’t ususally get sick but my sinus has really been acting up, low grade temp at times, nose won’t quit running, cough. Here is praying that all that are under the weather will get well soon.
Take care and God Bless!
make your self some pine tea and stay warm
Hey Jack, hope the crud lets go of your voice soon!
Since you were mentioning interviewees, I thought I’d request that you interview the guy from He’s putting out a podcast as a city boy first learning how to homestead, and I think that’d be a good perspective. He seems like a prepper too, from a few random comments.
Go Packers! 🙂
The Steelers have enough Super Bowls for now.
Now don’t go using that socialist mentality of you have had enough because might I remind you that the NFL Championship wasn’t always called the Superbowl and if you look at who has the most Championships it is the packers with 12. So if we use the have won enough mentality……….
Socialist…good one. 🙂
Technically you are correct on the championships, I’m just a stinking Cowboys fan and I know we’re not going to sniff another Super Bowl as long as Jerry runs the show. The Rooney family knows how to run a franchise.
Hope your voice recovery is quick, but come on Jack, the Packers are the team to root for!!!!!
@David, Darcy is good people. I’ve interviewed him on my podcast at
I often refer people to his podcast as he is a young parent much like I am going to be and is very into natural child care, something I aspire towards
Guess I’ll have to go back and relisten to the Herbal series to figure out what to take for TSP withdrawals. Feel better, Jack.
No apology necessary, Jack! Dealing with exactly the same thing here. Lessons learned: None of us is invincible. There is a time for rest. Herbal remedies are awesome, but these things have a course to run. Your material is just getting better and better – thank you for all you do! Rest up and be well. We’ll be here when you have your voice back.
Speedy Recovery Jack.
Thanks for the hard work!
Hope you are well again soon… take care.
Get well soon Jack !!!
Yea Jack!!! Thanks for sticking to your roots and the “Stillers”. We in the ‘Burgh apreciate the Steeler fans all over the country. We are on The Stairway to Seven!
Hope you feel better.
“No sympathy is desired or sought..” too bad you have mine anyway dude. =-) take care and it looks like a great line up for next week! Cheers from frozen El Paso TX.
I’d suggest also one or more of the Dervaes gang at for an interesting interview – have been watching some of the vids on youtube (pathtofreedom). Pretty cool homesteading stuff.
And if you have to take off Monday too we’ll survive. PUN! 😀
Do what it takes to get better – I’ll be listening to the last few shows over & over anyway ’cause they were so packed with awesomeness & I’ll bet I’m not the only one. Take care, Jack!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery Jack. Don’t worry about the shows. Plenty of good ones to replay. I’ll have a hot cup of tea with lemon and brandy in your honor.
GO PACKERS! Have a hot toddy and take it easy. We depend on you Jack.
Get well soon, Jack..
Hey Jack! Hope you have a great weekend and feel a lot better!
Thanks for keeping us posted, Jack. Not many people have the stamina you have demonstrated over the past 600 episodes. Hell, if you took a week off I wouldn’t blame you one bit. You have the luxury of setting your own schedule. Radio jocks rarely have that much control over their own lives. I hope your voice is getting stronger and you have figured out how to interpret the ‘feedback’ you are getting from your vocal chords. The only effective treatment for a worn-out voice box I found during my years as a radio dee-jay was complete and total silence on my part and dilute, warm citrus drinks. I’m sure you will find the right combination of rest, herbal remedies and relaxation to get you back behind the microphone. Take your time, I think I can find SOMETHING to listen to amongst the past 600 episodes!
well, I am fighting a cough and voice issues also. As a newbie to your valuable information, I miss it when you are sick. I agree that a substitute would not be a good idea but I think for those of us who are late comers, if you suggested one of the archived podcasts which you consider important would be a good idea. As a member of the brigade, I want to make sure I listen to them all but since time is short any directions to specific ones would be appreciated.
@Johnnie, well there are episodes on almost anything you can imagine, why not pick a subject, plug in the search box and see what pops up.
I’m not meaning to add fuel to the fire, but maybe you would like to hear what Alex Jones is saying about the Texas, and American blackouts these days. Couldn’t hurt to light a fire under America right now! As for the Podcast, I’ll miss it for however long it takes, but there are plenty I would like to go back and catch up on. Also, nobody else CAN do THIS Podcast like you can. I’ll just stop sending so much email, and you’ll have time to make a couple of extra ones. Even the best TV shows are allowed to do reruns out of season, to let the main players recoup. If it’s OK with you, Here’s the Jones link:!/video/video.php?v=1274774606490&oid=6499393458&comments
This is bullshit!!!
Just kidding Jack, get to feeling better, and keep warm. Thanks for all of the episodes you have provided so far, and thank you for the many more on the way.
We find a warm toddy of lemon, honey, crown, and a bit of chammomile really soothes the throat. just a bit of a hint. not original in any way. but effective. besides the crown cant hurt right? salt water gargle was my folks cure for everything. i tend to lean towards popcicles. HA. thanks for the show.. best wishes for a speedy recovery
As a fellow Steelers fan, what a disappointment that was..
However what I found even more disappointing was only me and one other person (out of roughly 20 people at my friends house) even recognized that bubble headed bimbo screwing up our National Anthem…
Actually I didn’t even notice it but ONLY because I was so disgusted by the “interpenetration” she was doing of it that I left the room. It sickens me when people do “their version” of the Anthem. It makes me want to scream at them it ISN’T your version assclown it is the NATION’S ANTHEM, not yours.
I personally think you should have to be a true patriot to sing the Anthem at the most watched event of the year. I would rather hear a boy or girl scout who believes it sing it half off key then some recording artist that doesn’t really care.
I found for that kind of serious coughing you need to drink carbonated soda….or water but no sugar….it seems to hydrate the throat
Also if you have cats, it could be that ammonia urine smell, which triggers the attack…so a clean box and totally new litter helps.
Also mold in the bathroom, or bathtub mat could be it…bleach works…Ok those work for me