No Friday Show This Week
I really wanted to get one more show in this week but it just wasn’t in the cards. To make up for it Monday will be a call in show. Right now I am off at zero dark thirty on the way to Louisiana to help Nick and Nick with their ongoing earthworks course.
While I am gone, try the random episode feature for a blast from the past.
I have been listening to your show for about 6 months and really like it a lot. I want to thank you for all you do. I also think you need a rest and no one would or should expect you to do a show daily. Please adopt a more sane schedule for your own health and balance. We don’t want to lose such a great statesperson for freedom and self-reliance.
You probably work at a job daily don’t you? Jack has made that better life by being able to do the show instead of a commute. Not speaking for Jack, but I bet if you asked him, 1. doing a daily show was a main key to his success. 2. he’s a lot better off doing this than driving 100 miles a day to a job he just kinda liked.
I know you mean well but TSPs success is based on my work ethic to a large degree. Besides as Jake stated I do a lot less “work” measured in hours then I did when I was an owner is a typical company.
Well, have fun Jack. I miss the days when we got a show 5 days a week.
Jack, you worry too much.
We the MSB are very happy that you get to do these things because
-we like you
-you bring back knowledge.
Thanks for all you do.
Just do a show from your car like the old days. It would be like blast from the past but in the present. Plus I miss you rambling off about the idiot drivers and if your flying you can let us know how our wonderful TSA sheeple are treating you……
People who I am close to (that know I’m a big fan of the show) still cant believe it when I tell them you’re podcasting darned near 5 days a week.
A year or three goes by, and things change for all of us, but your consistency is quite admirable, Jack. Enjoy your Friday.
No worries, Jack. 🙂
Enjoy yourself Jack… I love the knowledge you bring back from these sort of things, so take notes man!
Say what!?!?! That takes it up to 18.700002¢ per episode! 🙂
Enjoy the trip and the day!
Travel well Travel safely and don’t work so hard you do yourself a mischief. 🙂
Jack, you should have a life. Have fun and stay safe. Not just for you’re family but but the community family as well 🙂
See you back next week!
What’s with all the dislike trolls too?
Likely some said dislike only because they don’t like that there is no show, not that they don’t like me having time off. I see that as a compliment, our main dislike troll seems to be on vacation, LOL. I think most of these are valid and not meant to be negative over all.
Well I just meant overall. A lot of shows have close to as many dislikes as likes.
I think the dislike trolls are a little tongue and cheek that we are sad there is no podcast but of course we wish Jack well and support him on his day to do other work (I am not going to say day off, because clearly he is still working).
I too am left wondering how you put out a show almost every day. Johnny Max and the Queen put out a show recently after a break since April. Sounds like his brewery is doing quite well, and taking up alot of time. But that is a good thing