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Sarah Shah
11 years ago

Hi Jack, Have you seen Ron Finley’s TED talk? The city of LA tried to keep him from planting vegetables in medians and easements in South Central. He responded with Gangster Gardens. http://www.ted.com/talks/ron_finley_a_guerilla_gardener_in_south_central_la.html?source=facebook#.UTu8fe0lLzJ.facebook

My husband loves your podcast…and now I do to. We’re adding edible plants to our landscaping and making the most of the land we have. Thanks for inspiring us!

11 years ago


love your podcast, your information you distribute has been amazing. keep it up.

i do have a question though; can you eat juniper berries raw directly off the tree or do you have to prep them in some way first like boiling, drying, etc?

11 years ago
Reply to  Jared


Juniper berries take about 3 years to fully ripen. You can eat the berries raw after washing them well, but they are bitter as all get-out. You can cook them with things, or steep them for about 5 minutes or so in boiling water, then strain the bitter berries out. You can also add whole berries to a smoothie mix with other berries too. Hope this helps.

11 years ago
Reply to  Wolf

Oh hey, also make damn sure you are actually eating juniper berries and not the berries from the eastern red cedar, which has berries that look very close to juniper berries but are toxic to most people.

11 years ago

Whoa…that’s a trek. Be safe.

11 years ago

I was hoping you would do a podcast from your “mobile Studio” during the drive just for old times sake. Love the show.