
New MSB Discount – Conflicted the Game — 7 Comments

  1. This also is a good ‘gateway’ into prepping for those that may not have thought about such things before. My daughter and son-in-law run a board game review website and here is their review:

    Before they played this game, they looked at my wife’s and my prepping activities as somewhat odd, but after playing it, they have seen the real value. Most recently, with the cold temps in southern Indiana, they had some basic food and supply preps so that if power went out, they would be okay for food and water for a few days. A great eye-opener for the gaming crowd!

  2. This game is definitely intriguing. I used to be a gamer but, as my ife has many responsibilities now, I have no time to really sit down for hours and play. This might actually be something to play as an alternative to the traditional 4+ hr board game.

  3. For an interesting preview of this game, MD Creekmore over at The Survivalist Blog ( has gotten permission to post a question from a card, one per week, which he does on Tuesday, calling it “Conflicted Tuesday”. It’s sort of like playing the game, one card per week, with dozens of players. The discussions and interaction each week make this an interesting and somwhat fun excercise. I have been looking to get these cards, and the discount as always, will be welcome.