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11 years ago

Fantastic timing, I was just shopping at Infidel this week. 🙂

11 years ago

nice, and good video, although he got bit by the scope at the end!

11 years ago

Jack –
The Infidel discount code is showing up as $10 off vice 10%.. might want to give them a holler.

Infidel Body Armor
11 years ago


Thanks for checking out the website. I just checked and just corrected the discount error. It’s now set for 10% off.


11 years ago

Thanks for the quick fix.

Just bought some armor.. with bitcoins.


11 years ago

Chad, welcome aboard, but what’s up with “Infidel,” the name? Is this an anti-Islamic thing? Do Muslim TSP listeners still get the 10% discount?

11 years ago
Reply to  Bruno

Yeah I am wondering about the “Infidel” name also. I mean I am a Muslim so really wondering about this thing. If they have a problem with my religion I can go and buy the ar500 armor from any other supplier. Maybe Jack could give an explanation or ask the company reps to shed some information on it.

11 years ago

“If I felt for one moment that Chad was anti Muslim I would not work with him.”

That is all I needed to know thank you. I’ll be glad to give them my business in the future.

Infidel Body Armor
11 years ago

I’ll refer you to the FAQ on our website as to what Infidel means:

What does “Infidel” mean anyways?
• Over in the Middle East, our soldiers are called Infidels everyday. The Koran says that Christians are infidels: Koran 5:17, “Infidels are those who declare God is the Christ, son of Mary.” Our company is Christian-owned and we wear that definition of “Infidel” with pride. We claim the privilege of worshiping God according to our conscious and allow others to believe as they would- just don’t try taking away our right to worship how we want to.

11 years ago

I don’t think anyone finds “infidel” offensive. The question’s whether it was chosen because Chad sees himself as a proud enemy of Islam, selling body armor to members of his own tribe in anticipation of some imminent, Biblically tinged Final Showdown between the religions.

If that’s how he thinks—and there are certainly people who hold that worldview—I wonder if his firm and TSP are a good fit. The most refreshing thing about TSP, and I thought kind of the core concept, was that it rejects the old caricature of the paranoid white prepper stockpiling ammo in a bunker for the day the blacks and/or the commies and/or the muslims come to destroy ‘Murica and all that’s decent. The absence of that tribal mentality is one of many things that makes TSP so great, and the addition of “Infidel Body Armor” as a sponsor certainly gives the impression that the Modern Survival you’ve been preaching so eloquently maybe isn’t so modern after all.

Anyway, it’d be good to hear from Chad about all of this.

11 years ago

This is great news!

I still can’t do it right now, but it’s something I’ve thought about for a long time. Hopefully, they’ll be around for awhile and I’ll be able to get what I want at some point in the near future.

11 years ago

If you haven’t already planned it, please do a show on body armor. I’d be particularly interested in learning about best options for deep concealment armor for wearing every day. That’s a different world than the tactical, throw it on top over everything else type.



11 years ago

Awesome, Jack!

I had looked at Infidel after a friend recommended them (as much as I’d love to have a full up BALCS/SAPI setup and a corresponding low-vis setup I can’t justify that kind of expense) and I really like what I’ve seen so far. With what I had been looking at ordering, this one discount would pay for almost 2 years of the MSB for me.

Thanks for your work to keep bringing these benefits to the community, Jack!

John in KY
John in KY
11 years ago

Thanks Jack! Another great MSB benefit. This has been on my ‘to get’ list and the sweet discount bumps it up on the list!

Scott Oslund
Scott Oslund
11 years ago

Great product! I just renewed my MSB membership because of this discount. Thanks for all you do!

11 years ago

I heard your spot today on Infidel body armor and saw this so I thought I would comment. I’m somewhat surprised to find them as a sponsor of the show. Their armor is no different than the other AR500 armor on the market, such as AR500 Armor and Targetman but it costs significantly more. They all have the same videos where their plates are shots MANY times with no penetration. Infidel has simply put more marketing out there around their plates and tried to take advantage of a market.
I don’t work for either of the companies I mentioned above, but I will state that one of them does a lot to support groups who fight the second amendment and shooting sports…and they don’t try to take advantage of customers but hyping their plates through marketing to justify higher prices.

11 years ago
Reply to  Lifeon2Whls

I didn’t look too much into AR500, but The Target Man is cut, curved, and coated in AZ at a fraction of the cost, and the spall coating in their videos doesn’t appear to peal as much. Obviously do as you wish, but even at 10% I’m not seeing the discount or basis for the premium.

11 years ago

Nice sponsor! I’ve been looking into buying some plates for awhile now. Another sponsor where an MSB membership really pays for itself quick. $500 plate carrier and plates at 10% off? Oh hey, there goes my MSB cost already.

11 years ago

I’m actually kind of hesitant to post this so I hope nobody feels their toes have been stepped on. I remember seeing Infidel BA back when I was shopping around, and mainly due to the price point, I went with The Target Man who is now Spartan Armor. The quality I received is top notch, they have all the videos to back up the protection they claim, etc. Even with the 10% off the price disparity is pretty big.

So opportunity time here: If I’m comparing a 8×10 plate set for $189.99 (assuming I pay full retail – they pass out 10% codes like candy to a lot of forums and on FB and I got both my sets on the occasional 20% code they give out) or your plates for $295.00 (or $265 with the code), sell me on what the value added difference is.

10 years ago

Never got a response on the last comment, but here is another serious reason to reconsider Infidel as a brand:
