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Thomas Hoag
Thomas Hoag
11 years ago

One rootball full of win here! I do hope some on my FB list gets a gander too.

I am so glad I saw the part on propagating by cuttings! Not only a fine specimen 😉 but also a method I NEVER SAW, and I used to have my grandpa’s horticulture dictionary with all sorts of information on where stuff grew and what they look like, some entries with what yields it had.

Backwoods Engineer
Backwoods Engineer
11 years ago

You must tell us where you got the hat.

Thanks for posting this, too!

Scott N.
Scott N.
11 years ago

Thanks Jack, Nick, and Josiah ; This video brings up good memories. I had a great time, met some wonderful people, and learned a lot. Thanks for all the hospitality………..Scott

11 years ago

High quality stuff guys. I watched it on my new smart tv and it looked dynamite. Cable’s death is a beautiful thing!

Ron Shook
11 years ago

Jack et al,

A fine show, filled with great advice. It doesn’t stroke the harpies like politics, but if it gives just a small boost to finding 10 times as many smart, young farmers and horticulturists it’ll do more for the future than any politics. It’s a shame to see so little commentary response. Looks like a long haul.

11 years ago

Man, this is the class I would have really liked. But I am glad I learned how to slaughter chickens. Thank you so much, Jack! (^_^)

I sure hope you can get David Brandt on your show. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xfe9PgMveZc

11 years ago

Thanks Jack and the production crew for publishing this excellent information, the workshop attendees are so privileged to be able share a unique experience for the whole weekend.
I especially liked the planting apple pips segment to give more diversity in eating new types of apples. ” Montys surprise” was found as a seedling tree on the side of a countryside road in New Zealand and has some impressive eating qualities.

Thanks again for posting the video, to illustrate we need more diversity in our landscape
Cheers Finster

11 years ago

great video. I visited Bob Wells nursery a few weeks ago and told Rob you mentioned them on the show. They’re great folks and work really closely with you to get even a small order. I’m sure they’re thankful to have drawn your attention. Can we hope for an MSB discount? He said he would look you up and said he’d recently had a huge order from a prepper. Very keen.. and FWIW they’re digging trees for bare root sales now.