MSB Updates for 4-3-13
Time for even more value for members of The Survival Podcast Members Support Brigade. All the updated discount codes are in the private area of the MSB already.
- Jeff Gleason (AKA the Berkey Guy) has been giving away a free Berkey Sport bottle (24.95 value) with all Berkey orders over 100 dollars for a long time for MSB Members and he still is. He is now also giving 10% off of all Mountain House products on his site. The two offers can be used together but each only applies to the respective products. Learn more about these products at
- Darby Simpson (a member of our expert council) has launched a consulting business for homesteaders and new farmers. MSB members receive a 10% discount on a personalized farm consultation session with Darby Simpson. Whether you are a homesteader, or aspiring to become a full or part time farmer, Darby offers the expertise he has gained from his own experiences to save you time, heartache and money. Consider a consultation an investment in your personal skill development in order to sustainably raise poultry, pork and beef for your family. Learn more at
- Rogue Holsters now gives 10% off all holsters to all MSB members. The even better news is this isn’t just for MSB, for a limited time everyone can get this discount, until May 15th, just use discount code TSP at checkout. The discount code for MSB members is different and it is permanent unlike the one for all members but it doesn’t really matter what code you use today if you want to place an order as both discounts are 10%, the only real difference is the MSB discount offer will not expire next month. Learn more at
We now have a total of 42 supporting vendors in the MSB, many pay for an annual membership by themselves. If you are buying items in the self sufficiency space every year the MSB more then pays for itself, with discounts on everything from herbal supplements to long term storage foods to tactical items and as listed above even gardening supplies.
To Learn More About the MSB or
Log In to Your Existing Account Just Click Here.
ROCK ON! So glad I joined the MSB years ago..
It keeps getting better and better to be in the MSB! Thank you, Jack!
Hey everyone,
I personally know Darby from a few Farmers Markets that we both sell at and he is a great guy who knows his stuff with Farming. When we get chickens he is the one I will bug to help me get things going.
I heard Glen talk about the DHS hollow point purchase again and state that hollow points are not for training. That is a civilian point of view. I was a police officer before my current Army career. All we were issued was hollow points. I had a family member 13 years ago work for INS and he was only given remington hollow points to train with and use for personal practice. The reason why is because they want them to train with what you carry. I wish our community would get off this issue and quit acting like it is a bigger deal that what it is.
I actually agree with that and think people need to stop making a big deal about the HP component, there is a huge story in the VOLUME though isn’t there?
Agreed. I want to know why this institution has gotten as big as it has, particularly from weapon carrying enforcement officers. They’re blowing away the FBI by volume (for example).
Thanks for continually beefing up the MSB benefits. Its not just quantity but quality.
AZBunman and Jack, I agree except that they are not stating that and IMO that is the issue with government in general. They don’t say what they mean and mean what they say. I agree that the volume “may” not be a big issue since the order was “up to” X number of rounds, but I have never seen a HP cost per round lower than a FMJ round. And since they are citing lower costs for buying in bulk, there is something amiss.
Of course that may just be what they want us to focus on, just like the birther issue. No serious person on the center to right spectrum is bringing that subject up. It’s always the left and the media. Look here and don’t look at the other thing that we are doing over there.
But back to the real issue here, great news Jack. Keep up the good work trying to get us good deals on good products from good vendors. Thank you.
Sorry for starting this comment in the wrong area I thought I was commenting in the show notes. Jack yes I think there is a big story in the volume, however it is over a 5 year period. I think that DHS has grown too large and needs to be scaled back, along with the government as a whole. We have too many redundant agencies, and unlike prepping, redundancy in government is not a good thing. But this should be expected with the government and the way they can waste money and resources and turn around and say “we don’t have a spending problem.”