MSB Sale While I am in Salt Lake City
At out booth at the Salt Lake City Self Reliance Expo we are handing out certificates that will let folks get the first year of MSB for only 35 dollars (30% off).
When we did this in Denver I opened up this sale to all listeners. This time I am doing even one better for you guys. While the booth certificates are for 15 dollars off the discount for listeners here is actually 20 dollars.
The discount code for this sale is “SALTLAKE”
You can use this discount code to pay online (new members only) or to pay by mail with a check, money order, cash or silver. (existing members can use this option as well). Those paying by silver get 30% more time (16 instead of 12 months per ounce of silver).
To use the code online just write in the code on checkout again it is “SALTLAKE”. If you pay with the printable form by mail just write the code on the form and make sure you mail it on or before the 10th.
Lastly and this is VERY important. If you are a current member paying by PayPal and choose to use the code to pay and extend your existing subscription by mailing in the form you need to make sure you write a note on the back of the form.
In that note tell us your paypal email address and ask us to cancel your auto renewal so you do not get double billed. This is the only way I can make the offer available to existing members at this time. Trust me I would be happy to let you extend with PayPal but that isn’t how PayPal itself works.
You Can Sign Up for the MSB Here
Again for those coming to the Salt Lake City, Self Reliance Expo we could use a little help in the booth, (our Booth is 411) if you are interested in that either day just stop by, we plan on giving free T-Shirts to booth volunteers. Even if you don’t want to help in the booth please do stop by, the primary reason I am doing these two expos is simply to make myself available to meet some of your guys in person.
Jack, thank you for the discount. I will sign up tonight when I get off work.
My Wife and Homeschooled children were today out looking for a place to set up our homesteading lifestyle. We can hardly wait to leave suburbia. Thanks to a few of your recent podcast on unschooling and staring a business, my wife is ready too.
By the way, My Wife and I are both Tactical Response Alumni, and my good friend John Willis turned me on to your podcast.
Keep up the great work!
Hunter Cason
Jack your doing a great job. Thank you for all the information that you have been providing. I really wish this type of expo could come to the east coast or even better southeast. Sounds like there will be a great turnout. Hopefully , there more expo’s to come! Good luck
I will be by. hope you have the flash drives still. looking forward to meeting you.
Jack, I’m very new to your website and find it to be a great value. Thanks for the discount, I’m going now to sign up!
So sorry to miss you on this trip out to Utah. My brother, Max, and I really wanted to meet you. How often do you get out this way, right? Thanks for the great show. Hope that someday we’ll get to shake your hand.
I am looking forward to a summary on how this event compares to the one in Colorado. Is the number of venders significantly larger to make it worth the travel up from Colorado.
@bradbn4, I would say a few less vendors, quite a few more attendees and the event seemed to run a bit better. They fixed a few issues with the audio and I felt my Modern Survivalism presentation went a lot better.