
MSB Moving Sale — 4 Comments

  1. YEA! Thanks for the sale price.. I just renewed Robert’s account. He was just fussing at me the a couple of days ago for letting it expire (blush). Now I’ve got it set up to auto-renew.

  2. Thanks for the discount! I’m glad to be paid up for a whole year, instead of the monthly that we’ve been doing. This is a good enough price that I might just encourage my parents to join too. Thus far, they’ve enjoyed listening, but haven’t joined the MSB…I think it’s time!

  3. Thanks for the discount, Jack. I re-joined after being disconnected from the MSB via a “burp” in PayPal. Yearly is better anyway.

    Looking forward to hearing from you in Hot Springs!

  4. By the way, whatever happened to the “Charter Members” wall in the MSB? I was one of those…