MSB Moving Sale
Okay the Member’s Brigade is a great program and it only adds up to supporting the show at 20 cents an episode and provides a great return on your investment. On occasion though I do a sale to spur membership and generate some cash flow. Well with the move and some unexpected expenses we could really use a bit extra right now, so here is an awesome sale and existing members can participate.
Let’s start with brand new members since it will be a lot easier for you and require no manual help. New members have two ways to sign up with two different great deals.
First the discount code for everyone is “moving”
Discount Options for New Members
1. For new members paying by PayPal just sign up for the MSB and use the code “moving” and get your first year for only 30 dollars. That’s 20 bucks off your first year. It doesn’t get any easier than that!
2. For new members paying by US Mail you can get your first year for 30 dollars by cash or check just write the discount code moving on the top of the form.
If you want to use the form and pay by mail with silver we can’t do a strait discount as fractionalizing silver is complicated and you already get a discount by using silver anyway.
But those paying by silver do get a bonus for this sale, just pay one ounce per year and for each year you buy during the sale we will give you 15 months instead of 12 months for each ounce. Again just write the code “moving” on the form.
Discount Options for Existing Members
1. If you currently pay by mail you can get either the cash/check discount or the extra months with silver, just tick the renewal box and since we set up your account manually we will set your new renewal date based on your current terms expiration date. So if you currently expire on Sept 21, 2011 we will just set your new renewal date to Sept 21, 2012
2. Those currently paying via PayPal that want to continue to pay with PayPal this is a bit more complicated but on our end, not yours. What you need to do is cancel your recurring subscription in PayPal or ask us to do it for you, (easy for us to do), then manually pay us 30 dollars (send it to in the notes please mention the sale when you send the funds.
We will than manually extend your account a year from its current renewal date. When your term finally expires you can renew by logging in and switching back to automated renewals or choose to pay by mail, the choice will be up to you.
I know this one seems complicated but it is the only way to offer the sale to existing members and it why we generally don’t do it.
3. Lastly if you currently pay by PayPal but want to switch to paying in the mail just send in the form for the renewal and write the code on it. Make sure to tick the renewal box as well so we know you have an existing account. You can pay by cash/check or silver and get the longer term or cheaper renewal.
If you do this make sure to write a note on the back stating you currently pay with PayPal and what your PayPal email is and when we extent your account we will cancel your automated renewal.
Again I do realize that for existing members especially those who use PayPal the way to claim the discount is complicated but please understand it is a limitation based on the way PayPal does things. I always hate doing a sale and saying it is for “new customers only”, but now you know why that is normally the case.
For More Information and to Join the Brigade Click Here
YEA! Thanks for the sale price.. I just renewed Robert’s account. He was just fussing at me the a couple of days ago for letting it expire (blush). Now I’ve got it set up to auto-renew.
Thanks for the discount! I’m glad to be paid up for a whole year, instead of the monthly that we’ve been doing. This is a good enough price that I might just encourage my parents to join too. Thus far, they’ve enjoyed listening, but haven’t joined the MSB…I think it’s time!
Thanks for the discount, Jack. I re-joined after being disconnected from the MSB via a “burp” in PayPal. Yearly is better anyway.
Looking forward to hearing from you in Hot Springs!
By the way, whatever happened to the “Charter Members” wall in the MSB? I was one of those…