Mo’s Bacon Chocolate Bar – Item of the Day
Every day I bring you an item on Amazon that I personally use or has been purchased by many members of the audience and I have researched enough to recommend.
Today’s TSP Amazon Item of the day is Mo’s Bacon Chocolate Bar made by Vosges Haut Chocolate. Guys and gals this isn’t a joke, these things are flipping fantastic.
First I don’t eat much candy it is why I have gone from wearing a size XXL to a size L so when I do have a bit I want top quality stuff. Vosges is an awesome chocolate maker and they use a 41% milk chocolate in this bar. Just awesome stuff.
Next there are a lot of bacon chocolate bars out there, most though are basically a Nestle’s Crunch bar made with bacon bits as in imitation bacon bits. Not this bar, it is made with real apple wood smoked bacon.
The way I even found out about these bars predates TSP. I had a girl who worked for me and she knew I was a bacon fiend. As a joke she happened to find one of these and brought it to work. We both had a good laugh and I said well I will have it after lunch and didn’t really think it would be very good. Boy was I wrong. And as soon as I took a bite I realized why, bacon and chocolate are a natural fit.
One of the most indulgent things on the planet that can send you strait into Type II diabetes is chocolate covered pretzels. Before I reformed my ways I could shove down dozens of those things in one sitting. Salt, crunch and chocolate seem to work together. So when you combine very high end chocolate, smoked sea salt and apple wood bacon, well, man it just works.
This isn’t a survival item, it won’t store well long term because you are going to eat it, and it is a bit expensive. But it is fun, it is enjoyable and it makes a great gift, which brings me to why I am featuring it today. All this week we are running the “Travis the Vegan Troll” bacon sale for MSB. You can read all about it here, but here is the upshot.
This week (which is almost over) you can get MSB for only 25 dollars a year with discount code bacon. But you must agree to eat an extra pound of bacon in the coming week and celebrate bacon by giving a gift of bacon to a friend. I do highly suggest this bar and I recommend getting at least one for yourself. So give Mo’s Bacon Chocolate Bar made by Vosges Haut Chocolate and I think you will agree, everything really is better with bacon.
Remember you can always find the TSP Item of the day by just going to and by shopping at anytime you shop online you help support TSP and the work we do here no matter what you buy.