Could The US Break Up USSR Style? – Miyagi Mornings Epi-163
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Let me start out with something you have to accept if you even want to honestly have this discussion and consider how relevant to you it could be. The answer is yes, not may be, the answer is yes. In fact it is almost a 100% likelihood that sooner of later it is going to happen.
How can we know this? Because no Empire that ever existed has ever not eventually fallen apart. The real questions to look at are…
- How probable is it that it will happen in your lifetime? I am sure it was clear that Rome was doomed to many 100 years before it really fell, just for instance.
- If it happens, what does it look like?
- If it happens where do you want to be when it happens?
- If it happens how much choice will you have after it happens to change your mind about where you live?
- What resources will you most need if this happens?
Here is where I am right now, I consider this a high impact low probability event for the near future but the probability is much higher that it was say 10 years ago. The constant reality to shifts like this is a single phrase, “gradually then suddenly” and that is happening in so many places right now.
And I will end with, The USSR broke up almost exactly 2 years after abandoning Afghanistan. That would land us in the 3rd year of the Biden administration, 4.5 years into the national suicide of the covid response and in the roughly 42nd year of truly unabated money printing that began with Regan.
“Gradually then Suddenly”
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Great topic – one that probably needs to be discussed further by many of us who plan to “be around” afterwards. There will need to be leaders for whatever comes next. Whether that’s the creation of separate entities or governments within the nation or whether we remain one nation, but one that’s diminished and has the chance for a “do over”. Lots of dystopian authors out there can be used for brainstorming ideas – from Kurt Schlicter to Michael G. Hopf to the old school William Johnstone’s “Ashes” series and many more. It will bear some deep thinking and transference to our kids and grandkids once you can pry their attention away from the screens so maybe they have half a chance to keep some of the things that have made the United States the beacon of hope it has been.
Oh sure. The problem is “the kids” and their “damn screens”, not the psychopathic adults who can no longer even agree on the basic definition of reality, and instead prefer to tear each other apart, while remaining fanatically committed to the notion that everything would be *perfect* if it weren’t for “them”. Who can blame these kids for saying to hell with all of you maniacs and tuning out? The best thing for the country, and the world, is to just accept that we have at least three fully incompatible core value systems currently being forced together in what is increasingly a zero sum model, because everyone thinks they can keep full control of the money despite crushing anyone who doesn’t fit their world view. Let’s just fast forward to the amicable divorce while there’s still a chance for it to be amicable.