What Exactly is the ‘Real World’ Anyway? – Miyagi Mornings Episode-100
If for any reason the above Odysee Video doesn’t play smoothly for you, the back up YouTube version is here.
I hear people use the term the “real world” all the time and I wonder if they even know what they are invoking. The real world is not on your TV, never was, really isn’t now and I am not talking about how screwed up the MSM or “reality TV” are. Anyone thinking that is the real world at all is beyond help at this point. They may as well just shoot up with some good dope and enjoy not giving a fuck.
Politics is not the real world, government is not the real world, social media is not the real world, though at least it does at times give a window into it. Only for the brave though, most of what you see on social media even in the lives of those you know IRL (in real life) is controlled and presented to convey an image. One thing I love about the TSPC community is that seems to not be the case most of the time.
Why? Preppers, survivalists and homesteaders tend to live in the real world at least much of the time. Sure they put on a monkey suit and go to work if they have yet to get past that need. But the trees on their land are real, the animals they work with are real, the plants they grow are real and their view that you must be prepared for things to go wrong is based on stark, honest reality.
I think this is why people stay up talking and drinking at my workshops till 3AM or later, they are finally in “the real world”. Finally with people who are not hiding who they are and what they are about. Nor afraid to admit their place in the world is incredibly small, in dare I say it, reality.
Today I try to answer this for you in my final episode of Miyagi Mornings (fitting that it is episode 100) until I return from my vacation to the “real world” on May 17th. No worries as when I get back we will continue the journey together with Miyagi Mornings, which I pledge to always make about “the real world”.
What a perfect 100th episode! Living in the real world is how free individuals are meant to live our dash. Enjoy your time off!
This is one of the most profound, heart felt appeals I’ve ever heard Jack make.
The more you reject reality, the more fearful you become. Because deep down you KNOW what you’re doing.
If you can’t embrace death (reality) you can’t embrace life.
When you reject reality, you reject ALL of reality.
To live is to die.
You’re living RIGHT NOW, and you’re dying RIGHT NOW.
How are you using your RIGHT NOW?