Members Support Brigade Oct Sale
Just a quick reminder that you can currently get your first year of TSP Members Brigade this week for only 40 Dollars, which is a savings of 20%. Use discount code “october12? to get your first year for only 40 dollars. This sale runs until midnight on Friday the 26th so there are only a few days left. This will likely be the LAST SALE we run in 2012, so if you have been waiting for a discount the time to act is well, now.
You can learn more and join the MSB Here. Those who wish to pay by mail can just write the discount code on the mail in form. Those paying by silver will receive two extra months (14 vs 12) instead of a direct discount.
Yes you can pay for multiple years if you pay by cash, check or silver and apply the discount to every year.
SPECIAL NOTE – Military, LEOs, First Responders and Peace Corps members, prior service or active duty, email me at jack at with “service discount” in the subject line before you join, the service discount is better then the sale price and it applies to renewals.