Meet Me in Arlington Texas at the Self Reliance Expo – July 27-28
I have been asked to speak as a key note speaker once again by Ron and Scott of the Self Reliance Expo in Arlington, Texas on July 27-28. On Friday the 27th I will be part of an expert panel and my area of discussion will be growing food self sufficiently with permaculture techniques. The other panel members will be, Southern Prepper One and Doc Bones.
On Saturday the 28th I will be presenting the 12 Planks of Modern Survivalism. Many of you have seen this presentation on video or heard versions of it on the air. I assure you seeing it live takes it to an entirely new level and it is always updated to specifically serve modern events and the venue it is presented at.
I have done two other Expos with Scott and Ron and I think this will be the biggest and best one yet. If you live anywhere near the Arlington area please do come by, even if it is just to say hello. I will be making myself available most of both days just to meet you guys, hang out, take pictures, etc.
The Arlington Convention Center is great venue, big kudos to Ron and Scott for selecting it. Lots of easy parking, easy to get to and get in and out of the area. You are right near the Cowboys stadium which is worth seeing if you never have and the Rangers play just across from them as well. Lots to do and see right in the area and a very short hop on I-30 to either downtown Dallas or Ft. Worth. Additionally DFW is a great airport and easy to get in and out of for those who might be making a longer trip to attend.
You can see some of the currently booked speakers here and you can get tickets to the event at the main Self Reliance Expo Site.
There is a Ranger (home) game at 7:05 P.M. on both days.
Since the convention center is just north of the ballpark, traffic will be kinda tricky.
Thank you, CPH for the warning! Also, Jack, the website for the expo won’t let you actually buy tickets on the site. Thought folks would want to know. Looking forward to seeing you in July!
The banner @ tge expo website reads “Restoring self reliance across America” . Are there any plans for a get together closer to Oregon?
I don’t know that Portland, or Oregon for that matter, has enough independence minded consumers to make a show like this pencil out.
If the show came I would go though.
There are more and more independence minded consumers in Oregon… you might be surprised.
You can purchase the tickets here:
FYI also…
The Glenn Beck Restoring Love event is that week in Arlington.
Yes, I am planning to attend the Restoring Love event and was very happy to hear of the Self-Reliance Expo!
How much are the tickets? the last expo in Mesquite was crazy expensive! over 70 per day;
From the above link:
Tickets are $10/per person for BOTH DAYS!
Does anyone have a link to the seminars that will be occuring during the Arlington expo? does not elaborate on the details but maybe they haven’t released everything yet.
I just bought 3 tickets for me and my family. As an MSB member for going on 3 years now, I look forward to seeing you in person, and hopefully meeting you face to face. We will also be attending the Glenn Beck event on Saturday evening, and the FreedomWorks Free PAC event on Thursday, 7/26. This should be a great several days!
I went to the one in Feb. I might be going to this one too. I would love to get some info. on an after hours get-together.