
Meet Me in Arlington Texas at the Self Reliance Expo – July 27-28 — 13 Comments

  1. *FYI*
    There is a Ranger (home) game at 7:05 P.M. on both days.
    Since the convention center is just north of the ballpark, traffic will be kinda tricky.

  2. Thank you, CPH for the warning! Also, Jack, the website for the expo won’t let you actually buy tickets on the site. Thought folks would want to know. Looking forward to seeing you in July!

  3. The banner @ tge expo website reads “Restoring self reliance across America” . Are there any plans for a get together closer to Oregon?


    • I don’t know that Portland, or Oregon for that matter, has enough independence minded consumers to make a show like this pencil out.

      If the show came I would go though.

      • There are more and more independence minded consumers in Oregon… you might be surprised.

  4. FYI also…
    The Glenn Beck Restoring Love event is that week in Arlington.

    • Yes, I am planning to attend the Restoring Love event and was very happy to hear of the Self-Reliance Expo!

  5. Does anyone have a link to the seminars that will be occuring during the Arlington expo? does not elaborate on the details but maybe they haven’t released everything yet.

  6. I just bought 3 tickets for me and my family. As an MSB member for going on 3 years now, I look forward to seeing you in person, and hopefully meeting you face to face. We will also be attending the Glenn Beck event on Saturday evening, and the FreedomWorks Free PAC event on Thursday, 7/26. This should be a great several days!