Episode-2424- Aaron McKeon on Getting Started with Homeschooling
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Aaron McKeon is a husband, father of two young children, and Survival Podcast listener who several years ago decided to set his family on a course towards resilience, un-dependence, and a more fulfilling lifestyle better aligned with their personal values.
As part of that journey, he and his wife decided they wanted to homeschool their children but quickly learned how intimidating executing on that decision could become. Recognizing a gap in the resources available to would-be homeschoolers, Aaron decided to create the online resource he had hoped for from the beginning. He’s taken advantage of his background as a web developer and created an extensive website as a side-hustle while maintaining his current nine-to-five in Corporate America.
Aaron joins us today to discuss is the challenge faced by would-be or brand-new home schoolers, from the standpoint of deciding to home school as well as where you start once you make that decision. Homeschooling is the exact opposite of one-size-fits all and it can be difficult figuring out where to start, who to talk to, what resources to use, and how to deal with legal requirements.
Aaron’s website Be.Education is a website created to close the loop from product usage back to newbie home schooler, with usage data being linked to specific philosophical viewpoints and the learning styles of individual children. Because data is linked to the parent and child’s profile, this better informs new home schoolers who fit a similar profile.
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One thing right off the bat, the virtual tour is nice but a little more content without commitment will help keep people around a minute, so they can get used to the space before they have to make that commitment. What’s behind the curtain, is it safe, is it worth it?
I don’t have children, but I have 3 sisters with 10 children collectively, and a brother with 4 children. Many of whom are becoming parents themselves, and if I recommend your website they are going to ask me why, and I can’t tell them.
Thanks for the feedback. Admittedly, one of my weaknesses is on front-end marketing. I had a friend who owns a digital marketing company do the logo, identity, and color palette generation, but good quality front-end marketing is a bit more involved and outside the scope of a favor. Perhaps I could just open up the site for full-access but require an account for any commenting, editing, joining groups, etc. I’ll try to do this in the coming days.
Thanks for providing these resources. I realized how important homeschooling is when I looked up my local school-district’s budget. $60 million for 5000 students or $12000 per student. What a ripoff! My kids waste no time, are disciplined at school, and get to do chores and gain skills as they garden and take care of chickens. The more people boycott our inefficient, wasteful public school monopoly the better.