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Karim Ali
Karim Ali
10 years ago

So Jack… it happened in Illinois first:

slugline from the synopsis pretty much sums it up:
Provides that the State shall have no duty or liability to any party for the payment of any retirement savings benefits accrued by any individual under the Program.

10 years ago

For development of fundamental marksmanship skills, I cannot reccomend Project Appleseed marksmanship clinics highly enough. Go to appleseedinfo.org for more info. (No, I don’t get paid to promote it, Appleseed is 100% volunteer run)

Dan Hunter
Dan Hunter
10 years ago

I am interested in finding out what all the hype of the Cuban Cigar is about.

Brent Eamer
Brent Eamer
10 years ago
Reply to  Dan Hunter

I get two boxes from a friend everytime she goes to Cuba, $50 for a box of 25 🙂

Brent Eamer
Brent Eamer
10 years ago
Reply to  Dan Hunter


Mike from NH
10 years ago

Can we get a list (and maybe links to information about) the weapons discussed?

10 years ago
Reply to  Mike from NH

Sure – the rifles I mentioned were the Swiss straight-pulls (G96/11, G11, K11, K31), the Czech VZ58, and the French MAS 49/56.

Widener’s deal on G96/11 rifle is here:

I get my 7.5 Swiss ammo form SG Ammo:

The exploding ammo video I mentioned is here:

10 years ago
Reply to  Ian

Ian, have you found a source for the 6 box magazine that fits the 1896/11?

10 years ago
Reply to  Ian

You can occasionally find the magazines, but they are quite expensive – only one was originally issued per gun. The Swiss chargers are the better way to load these rifles quickly – they work extremely well.

Karim Ali
Karim Ali
10 years ago
Reply to  Ian

An awesome milsurp pistol imported by century is the Arcus 98DA and Arcus 98DAC… it’s a Bulgarian clone of the Browning Hi-Power. Awesome trigger on it, can be had for about $300 and it’s chambered in 9mm.

10 years ago
Reply to  Ian

Hi Ian,
Been looking around for a Czech VZ58, got any good sources?

Gary Minter
Gary Minter
10 years ago

Jack, about more normal relations with Cuban, I hate that what I believe to be the worst President in US history will get credit for normalizing relations with Cuba. This should have taken place 50 years ago.

For those that are too young to remember the Cuban missile crisis I was in high school at that time. Cuba has never been a real threat since the Russian missiles were removed.

Those that have their panties in a wad and are getting the vapors over this. I soldiered in Vietnam in the mid 60’s. We fought a war against North Vietnam and now have trade relations with Vietnam.

10 years ago
Reply to  Gary Minter

@Gary –
In the utopian future in my mind.. the history will read ‘relations with Cuba were normalized during the presidency of Barrack Obama.’ – not – ‘Barrack Obama normalized relations with Cuba.’

This may not seem like a huge difference, but it is. There are very few ‘leaders’ these days, but there are a huge number of people willing to ‘take credit’.

A rational person, or a rational people.. can see the difference. Who ‘won WWII’? FDR or the men who fought?

IMO a man can only be praised or condemned, for this own actions. The actions of his followers, or of the nation he is ‘leading’ are not to be credited to him.

So Lincoln may have ‘ably led the Union during the Civil War’.. but the soldiery, and the people supporting them ‘won the war’.

(I realize this is not the BEST example.. for a libertarian and/or southern audience =)

The other thing I would say.. is if Hitler wants to arise from his grave, and repeal the income tax.. more power to ’em! I don’t really care WHO does a good thing, and I certainly don’t want to wait until ‘someone good’ can get the credit. 😉

all really IMHO

10 years ago

French surplus rifles… never fired and only dropped once 🙂

10 years ago
Reply to  Karim

Tell that to the poilus who were at the Somme.

Karim Ali
Karim Ali
10 years ago
Reply to  Ian

I know… but its still funny to say to people at gun shows 😛

10 years ago

Great show! I own a VZ 58, you left out its a milled receiver and weighs a full pound lighter than a stamped AK. I put foam pipe insulation wrapped with vet tape to give a great cheek weld on my folder. Came with 5 mags for $399. Another great surplus is the SKS, especially the older Chinese type 56s. Cheap, tough, and left in stock form reliable. Great chrome lined shooters.

10 years ago

Great show! I enjoyed the first one with Ian on the Collector’s FFL and really enjoyed this one.

I am curious about the comment Ian made about the XD’s grip safety. He listed it as a negative. I’ve never had a problem with mine and see it as a benefit. I don’t want to start an argument, I am genuinely curious as to why he feels it’s a bad thing to have included in the platform design.

10 years ago
Reply to  Matthew

I don’t like it largely because you can’t operate the slide without the grip safety depressed. It’s not like I run around always worried about one-handed manipulation drill, but when I have other pistol options without the grip safety I don’t see a good reason to pick the XD.

10 years ago
Reply to  Ian


Thanks for the reply. I see your point (and Jack’s). I didn’t know about that issue when I bought my XD (I’d actually forgotten about it since I haven’t done one handed stuff in a while). Even if I had I most likely still would have bought it, only because between that, a Glock, and a Ruger the XD fit my hand best and I was most comfortable with it.

Again, thanks for the great show!

10 years ago

RE: Cuba

My intuition says this is primarily about isolating Russia further and preventing it from being too cozy with Cuba. No big change of heart on behalf of our glorious leaders (like any of us would really believe that), rather they simply see how Cuba can be potentially useful as a friend. The firing up of some more left-right political BS ‘debate’ and distractions is just a helpful bonus.

Of course, I’m sure most of us here have no doubt that our ‘leadership’ will throw Cuba under the bus as soon as there is no more benefit for us to being friendly….

10 years ago
Reply to  Nickbert

I recently reread Machiavelli’s ‘The Prince’.. and one thing you can say for Machiavelli.. he was definitely pragmatic.

That unscrupulous short sighted people will do whatever is expedient, should not be surprising. What is surprising, is that ‘the people’ expect anything else from them.

Ignorance is a frail base for virtue.

To plagiarize Durant – in politics we assume that everyone who knows how to get votes knows how to administer a city or a state.. would you choose your heart surgeon based on his attractiveness, or the quality of his suit?

And of course Plato warns: ‘Ruin, comes when the trader, whose heart is lifted up by wealth, becomes ruler.’

ie. when a monied group of oligarchs can buy, and therefore run, a state.

10 years ago

I almost skipped this episode, which would have been a huge mistake..

Its always great to listen to someone who is not only passionate but also deeply knowledgeable about their subject. Loved it!

Thanks Ian!

10 years ago

Great show…….. I searched for a vz 58 but didn’t find that many for sale. the nicer vz’s were over $1000. Anyone know where I can buy one (without a folding stock) in the price range that Ian mentioned between $400 to $500.

10 years ago

BIG plus one for MGM Targets. http://mgmtargets.com/ I don’t work there, but I benefit from their support of the local shooting sports. They’re also the main sponsors of the Junior Shooters Camp. http://www.juniorshootercamp.org/ Mike Gibson is a standup guy and most, if not all of his family, are involved with some form of shooting-related charity. They build high quality targets and they donate to the local clubs to test them. Try their Texas Star target some time… it’s the target you’ll love to hate! 😛