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14 years ago

Thank you so much for the video, a visual guide is just what I needed to feel comfortable making Biltong for the first time. 🙂

14 years ago

Made my first batch a couple of weeks ago, have to make some more it was so good, my wife who worked in SA had told me about it but I never tried it, thanks for the reminder, I don’t think I will go back to jerky. Next batch will have some other spices added will tell you how it works out.

14 years ago

How long did you leave the meat in the dehydrator?

– Ryan

14 years ago

Thanks for the videos. Thats a new entry on my to do list.

Hope you don’t just give Blacky and Max the fatty parts! Mine get the whole roast 🙂

14 years ago

Thanks for the videos, Jack. I was hesitant at first to try to make Biltong, but you covered all the bases in these videos. I’m ready for my first batch now!

14 years ago

Can you long-term store biltong?? As in, put it in mylar with O2 absorbers and if so, how long will it last? 2 years? 10 years?

14 years ago

ok I really did something wrong when I made biltong. After a week mine smelled almost rotten and was still really thick. It never did get that thin dried out look like Jack’s did. I may need to try that again

14 years ago

Vic Firth originally make drum sticks.

14 years ago

Guy at work (from SA) says run a couple of fans for the first day to get the initial crust and a single oscillating fan for the next 4 days.

14 years ago

@10 I was thinking the same thing!

Jack, you are awesome! I’ve been wanting to make biltong for a while, but I’m always traveling. I just took out a deer roast to thaw and I will be trying it tomorrow. I have a feeling I won’t be traveling next week. The videos (well the first, gotta watch the other ones still) are great help. I was picturing it in my mind while driving (when I usually listen) but the videos put a solid image of what to do in my mind.

I am disappointed that the dehydrator didn’t speed it up. I have one but haven’t used it yet due to traveling. Soon though!

I’m interested in ways to make biltong and other things when working out of town 5 out of 7 days out of the week, or more. Unfortunately my garden didn’t do that well this year but I’m going to find some system (or design it myself) that will automatically water my garden based on previous rainfall.

Thanks again!

P.S. By the way I was distracted for a couple minutes trying to read your shirt. I love it! If I didn’t already have a million T-shirts I would get one. But, LOL, put that on a button up shirt or something I can wear to work and I just might. My “boss” aka client would love it but I’m not sure about the other people there.

14 years ago

Once you’ve made your biltong, if you wanted to take it on a long range backpacking trip, how long will it last in the pack.

14 years ago

If using Deer, can you catch Lyme Disease if the deer is infected when consuming biltong?

Soupy Sales
Soupy Sales
14 years ago

When the SHTF, do you think canibals will try and biltong their human victims? I lose sleep worrying about this.

14 years ago

Hello all, I made my second batch of biltong recently and have set aside enough to ration out over a few days in a ziplock bag with the air simply sucked out. No oxygen absorbers. If anyone is interested (and I can remember) I can report the results in a year. I’ll consider a year a big success, since you gotta figure that if you’re in any sort of situation, that’s probably more than enough…

This is something of a habit of mine. I made some hard tack to time test it as well, and it didn’t seem to age AT ALL inside of a ziplock over a year. Fun trivia.