Episode-1695- Ten Ways to Live Free in an Unfree World
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Yep this show is about active anarchy, didn’t put that in the title so it would not immediately shut down people that do not know what real anarchy is. Anarchy is not spoiled young adult children living in the parents basements, listening thrash music and playing games while wearing a black shirt with an A on it.
Anarchy is not burning down buildings, demonstrating in the streets or being a non conformist by getting the same tattoo 5,000 other people have. It isn’t hating everyone who is a cop or works for “the system” while you yourself take advantage of the same “system” every day. It to be blunt isn’t even dominantly a political view, it is more an ethics based view that drives a political philosophy.
The ethics I am talking about are things like the firm belief, that cohesion, theft and force outside of defensive force are wrong, all the time, period the end. We accept that society is currently a bunch of spoiled children not ready to step up and be moral. We also accept that our way won’t be the dominant way in our own lifetimes. Yet for us, living against our ethics is simply not an option.
We think 7-8 generations out; we live accepting the interactive edge we must tolerate with the State. However, we adapt and we worry first about what we do, how we handle conflict and what positive change we can make before we worry one bit about what anyone else does, says, thinks or doesn’t do.
This show is actually based on an article I will be releasing around the first of the year. I feel that an article will reach many people who don’t normally listen to podcasts. But I also wanted to share this with you guys before the year ends. I think many of you will be surprised to learn, you may have been actually practicing anarchy for quite awhile without even knowing it. In fact many of you are far more real anarchist then people who claim to be anarchists.
Join Me Today to Hear…
- What is freedom, what does it have to do with anarchy
- What the real goal of anarchy is
- What the limitations currently are for anarchists
- How anarchists must cope with the interactive edge
- The Ten Ways to Actively be a Modern Anarchist
- Write contracts that exclude the state
- Attempt to resolve all differences in absence of the state
- Create or find a non profit truly consistent with your views
- Make your own alcohol
- Avoid using the “states money” when possible
- Start a business
- Form a group that gets positive things done
- Be at least a “basic prepper” and step up when the state falls down
- Grow your own food
- Self educate constantly and follow your passions
- Final Thoughts
Resources for today’s show…
- Join the Members Brigade
- The Year 1695
- Join Our Forum
- Walking To Freedom
- TSP Gear
- PermaEthos.com
- AgriTrue.com
- GenForward
- Knife Kits – (sponsor of the day)
- Backwoods Home – (sponsor of the day)
- Fear the Boom and the Bust – a Hayek vs. Keynes Rap Anthem
Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air.
Also remember we have an expert council that can answer you questions. If you have a question send it to jack at thesurvivalpodcast.com with TSPC Epert in the subject line. Ask your question in one to two sentences so it is clear then provide any additional details. Make sure to tell me what council member the question is for. You Meet the Expert Council at this Link.
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A penny saved is a tax free penny earned.
You don’t have to earn money to be taxed on it nor pay taxes on the product you purchase.
If I want to put arbitration clause in the contract for the house I am renting out, do I need to know where to get that arbitration done, when signing the contract? Or do I just find an arbitration person at the time I need one?
The second one because the key is BOTH parties must agree to the arbitrator at the time of the dispute.
Note a non binding arbitrator doesn’t even need to be a professional or a company. You can do this by simply saying, hey we both agree that ______ is fair and a good guy, why don’t we ask him to arbitrate. With binding you need a professional company.
This a story that some may be interested in. Kyle started with one red paperclip and bartered up to a home. No money was involved.
Haha nice closing song
The reason I first started listening to you was because you listed specific things a person could do. So many just complain. I love shows like this.
Thanks for giving me and others guidance on how to be freer.
FWIW, Divorce Corp is available on Netflix streaming.
Well crap that’s a real kicker in the teeth. Don’t talk about that time thing again. LOL time keeps going faster and faster in 15 yr I will be 68 pushing 70. 2000 was just a few months back. DAYUM
Just had to say now on to the show.
Great show !
Here’s a link to the Divorce Corp trailer. I actually watched it awhile ago on Netflix and it’s a real eye opener and disturbing.
Is there a place I can watch the divorce corp documentary for free?
Well worded. Who was the closing artist?
Link is in the notes above and always is for all music played https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0nERTFo-Sk
the tsp shop needs a tshirt with the spriko compensation factor + franklin algorithm!
can anyone write that equation out?
You mean like this, https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205419358818467&set=a.1023106092969.2004848.1084736013&type=1&theater
There are sites online you can make your own too, like this:
This is why I listen to TSP and why I am a member. Your passion and clarity of mind is inspiring. Thanks Jack and looking forward to your article on this subject.
Jack, would you be willing to share your basic template for contracts?
Absolutely not under any circumstances! The liability that places on me is beyond huge.
That’s cool man, I did not realize that. Some of us millennials didn’t learn shit. I wanted to see if there was anything to watch out for or things missing in my structure that would be wise to include. I did some extremely light googling so mine is based on that and the basic types seem to follow, and this is probably much more than needed:
[declaration of contract with names of parties]
[timestamps for effective and/or expiration dates]
[terms of agreement with explicit details to follow]
[requirements/obligations for each party to fulfill]
[required steps needed to amend contract]
[arbitration clause (private non-binding, private binding, public courts]
[signature block for all parties with dates]
-be detailed and explicit
-avoid legalese/jargon
-always be specific about exchange of value
-consider a termination clause
-consider non-disclosure
-consider local and state laws
I love your series on anarchy and such. those are my favorite. you should do more. I also love all the herb podcasts. I am growing comfrey and a few other herbs because of your podcast. My bee balm doesn’t like me and died. Thank you for all the education. And after I listened to your show about automation, my husband and I bought my homeschooled 12 year old son a raspberry Pi for Christmas with a few accessories. So thank you for that. you do the best shows.
Great show Indeed
Excellent show. Well thought out, well articulated. Your bravery and confidence in sharing these ideas are no doubt having a powerful influence. You have certainly had a profound influence on me.
When you were talking about swearing in the into it reminded me of possibly the most appropriate use of the S word in a movie. In the movie A Bridge Too Far, Elliot Gould uses it perfectly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxwqN7RhP6E
Can you see how stupid it would have been had he said, “ah shoot” or “gosh darn it”, that would have been almost as bad as saying, “Hover Damn” when you broke you leg with a compound fracture. Some of you know where that is from.
Not cursing is all well and fine but when it comes to movies, books etc, there are times when without it, to be blunt it makes a character look fake as shit.
Used this as a homeschool lecture on government and politics with my 18 yo daughter. She loved it!