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11 years ago

If you have to spend money, its not free.

The New Mike
The New Mike
11 years ago

It was a comment, of no value, no reasonable critique, and no purpose other than to establish a child like dominance of factuality.

You’re not enlightening anyone, so who cares?

11 years ago
Reply to  steve

I was ignoring this.. but, here’s something for you to print out and memorize @steve:



The New Mike
The New Mike
11 years ago
Reply to  Insidious

Hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.

11 years ago

S.O.B!!!!! You try to do something decent and someone comes along and pokes you in the eye for it!
Steve – I’ll gladly give you my “free” copper round if you will promise to sell it and take that money and go buy some salt…………when you get the salt, just let me know and I will give you directions on where to pound it!
Jack – Thank you. I understand what it is that you are doing and I think it’s great. I will continue to support you whenever I can. With honor, Crawford

The New Mike
The New Mike
11 years ago

Nope you’re wrong, I’m right, uhh because I said so. And uhm yeah no you’re a trickster because you hooked up a deal that benefits people who probably weren’t even expecting it, naturally at close to cost.

Thanks for the free copper, It’ll go nicely with my debt and death….

11 years ago

Say whatever you want. “Free, when you buy X” is marketing talk. That’s all I meant. You have your pet peeves. One of mine is “Free, when you buy X” I was arguing with someone this morning about something I bought that didnt work right. They said they would send me out something ‘free’ to fix it. I paid for the thing to begin with. It aint free if you pay for something.

The coins you are selling might be a heck of a value. I have been thinking of buying some. But no matter how great a value, they aint free if I have to send you money. And that isn’t semantics.

Robert Hicks
Robert Hicks
11 years ago
Reply to  steve

“Free, when you buy X” is marketing talk.” Well, considering I had already placed a order before any mention of the copper coin promotion was announced, I’m going to consider it as a bonus to my order that didn’t cost me anything extra. Suck it.

11 years ago

what is wrong with you? I stated a fact. I didnt criticize you. I didnt criticize your business practice. I didnt say you did something unfair. I said that if you send money to someone for something it isn’t free.

You have said hundreds of times you have a marketing background. Is it not true that “free when you buy X” is a common marketing practice? Why do you want to insult me? I wont give you any business if that is what you want. I dont understand why you took it so personal. Have it your way. I am a long time listener and enjoy your shows. Best of luck to you and sorry you feel the way you do about me.


11 years ago

you may be a good podcaster, but you are an a-hole. I meant no insult and you take one and be a jerk about it. Good bye to you too.

mike from nj
mike from nj
11 years ago

Jack you said your podcast was free, but I had to buy a computer, then pay for electric and internet service. What gives? So I went to my local fast food place since they have a sign that says free internet. They told me to buy a burger or leave??? But the sign says free???

BTW, I’m looking forward to my F-R-E-E coin. I ordered some bu and le coins at the open so it really is free for me. I paid for 10 coins, but I’ll get 11 in the box. My math might not be that good, I did go to votech school after all. But pay for 10 and get 11, sounds like one of those was free.

11 years ago
Reply to  mike from nj

I can give you a link for a free smart phone if you want a free phone. I can give you several links for free cash also. Ashly furniture was giving away a free tv, but I think that ended. Sprint is giving away free tablets, if you want a free tablet. I think I can find some free appetizers if you want some free food.

11 years ago

To be truthful, it kind of does hurt to be told I am not welcome here anymore. I meant no insult (until I called you an a-hole) and wish this hadn’t happened. But I dont think I am wrong, and I certainly dont think I started the shit throwing. But its your place to say.

11 years ago

I really wanted one of the copper rounds, but the cows rioted and we had to go fix fence…. ;( Oh well, maybe next time!! Keep up the good work!! Enjoy the show.