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Joseph DuPont
7 years ago

Dear Jack,
I’m somewhat saddened that you ignored talking about the Land Institute’s Prairie Festival in Salina, Kansas from Sept 22 to Sept 24. There work on perennial crops would have been of interest to your permaculture followers.
It saddens me that you would waste this opportunity to support Dr. wes Jackson.

Joseph DuPont
7 years ago

I have sent you notes about this and the kid you said was going to revolutionize the algae oil business.. I going out to the land institute on a mission and maybe,just maybe before it is too late to donate a few minutes to what they are doing. Maybe you ask you expert counsel to go to landinstitute.org..And I guess my question to them would be .. is this organization worth of Jack Spirko’s times.
You also never dealt the the fact that pot belly pigs were never meant to eat. The raise them for their fat as the fat has a special taste for cooking ask Chef. what ever.

David Seigler
David Seigler
7 years ago

Dear Jack Spirko,

I’m truly offended that you did not take time to talk about the shiner rock that the kid who lives down the street found the other day. I’m not really sure if it that much shinier then mist rocky but he’s a good kid and you’re a real jerk for not talking about his rock.

Also, I’m a bit peeved that you haven’t mentioned that cabbage is a good methane initiator. Could you please ask the expert council to explain why you are such a doodoo head?

David S

Pa Prepper
Pa Prepper
7 years ago
Reply to  David Seigler


Jessica "Dixie" Mills
Jessica "Dixie" Mills
7 years ago
Reply to  David Seigler


Alan Webster
7 years ago

I wonder on that Miyagi Pond, if you double the length to 16 feet. You may need a center support of some sort. I am not an engineer and do not know how much weight the water places against the structure.
Those above ground pools hold a lot more water and they do not have a heavy structure. Maybe it is not a problem.

Jason F
Jason F
7 years ago

I haven’t finished listening to this whole episode yet…but i have been thinking about the larger Miyagi’s. The most efficient way to build one, material wise, strength wise, and volume wise would be a circle. this is why pools are circles, right? Since wood doesn’t come in curved beams, they should be made with as many equal length sides as reasonable. This would also make better use of the liner (although i don’t know what sizes they come in) and will make the ‘folding’ of the corners easier.

Also, pressure on the sides is determined by the depth of the water. the lower rails will take the most pressure while the top will take none at all (unless they are tied to the lower ones thereby helping them with the load). One could possibly be more efficient with materials by using larger beams on the bottom and smaller ones towards the top.

I could run some calculations on this if i can find some good data on wood ( i work in metal). my guess is that the corners, no matter how many sides, are the weak point.

Jason F
Jason F
7 years ago

Thinking deeper on this…near positive the corners are the weak point. Specifically I think failure will be the wood splitting at the nail or whatever is used. I think I would use 3/8″ galvanized conduit as a pin through drilled beams to make sure the pressure was evenly distributed through the whole board. The more corners there are the more the load is rotated to be inline with the grain of the wood, increasing its resistance to splitting. Would be good to shellac the cut ends or something to keep them from degrading.

Another thought, the intermediate beams that do not go all the way to the corner don’t really serve a purpose other than to keep the liner from bulging out. It looks good, but the structural benefit is nil. The lumber cost could be significantly reduced if one could replace this with something else, not sure what though.

Jason F
Jason F
7 years ago

Cedar fence boards. I bet that cuts lumber cost by 40%. Should look cool too.

Jason F
Jason F
7 years ago

I thought landscape timers was a regional term…googled it, that’s a great deal! Can’t get them in the northwest (at least that i can find, HD doesn’t carry them), best we have is PT 4x4s for $8-9ea. I can get Doug Fir 8′ peeler cores for $1-2 4-8″ diameter, but they are not treated or milled flat. So the material is here, just not the end product.

Last thought, I am sure you will be talking about these Miyagi’s in the future. Might consider mentioning child safety around them. My 2.5 year old runs free on our property so its something I always consider, but everybody else does not necessarily think that way.

David T
David T
7 years ago

Jack, you mentioned in the episode that there were videos on this pond. Do you have links to them?
Jason F, I too am in the PNW and have found landscape timbers at Lowe’s, Home Despot only carries them East of the Rockies. My understanding is that they aren’t pressure treated but only sprayed, so their longevity in the PNW would not be very long.