Learn from Mike Cornwell and Daniel Salatin in Louisiana Dec 5-6
Mike Cornwell (The New Mike on the blog here) is hosting an event with Daniel Salatin of Polyface farms, on creating profitable farming systems on December 5th and 6th at his farm in Rio, LA. Daniel Salatin is the son of “lunatic farmer” Joel Salatin and is the main farm manager at Polyface Farms in Virginia, which is well known for their pasture based animal rotation systems.
Mike and I had an interview last September on building a business from scratch. You can click here to hear it it. (https://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/cromwell-building-a-business)
Daniel is going to cover which animals Polyface farms uses and why, the animal production systems they use and discuss Polyface’s marketing and market strategies. Daniel will also be touring the startup farms of Local Cooling and Bonnie Blue Farms (Mike’s farm) showing how Daniel might set them up and improve them.
Mike and his farming partner Grant will continue the discussion on the 6th and will also be giving classes on getting access to and integrating waste streams into your farming enterprises to reduce costs and will go over electric fence systems which are a key tool used in these systems.
This will be a good workshop for those of you who are looking at possibly starting a farm or building profitable farming enterprises as part of a homestead income. This will also be a good opportunity to ask questions directly to the man running Polyface farms and to those who have already gotten started.
Camping on site will be available along with local hotel options. Food will be provided throughout the event, and I’ve been assured it’ll be good Southeast Louisiana cooking primarily provided by Mike’s wife.
Full details about the event can be found by visiting this link.