Last Call for 2nd Amendment T-shirt
TSP Gear Shop will continue to take orders the next few days for this batch of the 2nd Amendment T-shirts, and then print these next week. The front chest design proudly states Molon Labe. It is a classical expression of defiance reportedly spoken by King Leonidas I in response to the Persian army’s demand that the Spartans surrender their weapons at the Battle of Thermopylae. Consider it the orginal statement of “from my cold dead hands”.
To get in on this group buy, place your order at TSP Gear Shop. You can also add any other items from the store, and your whole order will ship for free. MSB members can take 10% off their entire order.
Hey Jack,
Possible new income stream here for you or Kelly. Just something to think about. You already have the designs
I think Kelly is looking into it. I leave the shop 100% in his hands but I may look into this for the Farm as well in some coming much needed down time.
Any idea on when these will be shipped out?
Hoping to have these ready to ship out next week.