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7 years ago

Thanks for this interview! The sound quality was very good and your guests were absolutely great – very articulate.

7 years ago

Regarding NN. I posted your video to slack for developers in AZ and they did bring up some historical examples of why they are pushing for NN. Like Comcast injecting JavaScript ads into web pages. Then also

<blockquote>September 1, 2007 – “Comcast begins interfering with Bittorrent traffic on its network.”

January 9, 2008 – FCC investigates Comcast traffic policy and treatment of Bittorrent traffic</blockquote>

So, I guess there are historical examples.

They talk about not trusting companies precisely because they are monopolies. Then I say we should fix that problem. Then they say that they don’t want 30 companies in the same city because of all the wires (which I say is ridiculous there wouldn’t be so many companies). Then I say government regulation is what causes regulation. Then they say that companies are the ones that cause the regulation which causes the mini monopolies (circular logic at this point). Then I say if they hate monopolies so much they should hate the government since it is the true monopoly. Then they say that want ISPs to be monopolies owned by the government.

There’s no winning.

7 years ago

Enjoyed this one. I’ll have to have my wife listen to this one. We home school also.

Matt H
Matt H
7 years ago

Great interview.  Centralization of education weakens humanity.  Powerful industries collude with school districts for a monopoly on pharmaceuticals, food, construction, books, and most nefariously, social paradigms within school walls.  As with most government employees, workers in the system are more worried about keeping their jobs than doing a good job.  Kids are punished for thinking for themselves and being individuals.  Argh.  Thanks Jack and Mike and Sue for the fantastic content.

Nick in Mongolia
7 years ago

After a year of homeschooling, my wife insisted we put our son in the local public school here. While not as much of a nightmare as some of the anecdotes here, it still leaves much to be desired.

There are some positives; they have a much more advanced math program than equivalent grades in the states, and his time at school is quickly improving our son’s Mongolian language skills. The need for improvement in the latter was the primary reason for the decision, as the lessons between him and his mother didn’t work out so well (perhaps dealing with personality conflicts during homeschooling is a good question for Mike and Sue?). And of course there are the negatives; the biggest being the presence of bullies at the school (some things don’t change no matter where you are I suppose) and having very little time to do the hands-on stuff we did during last year’s homeschooling. At least the teachers, schools, and parents handle bullying a little better than the typical American school; kids don’t get punished severely for fighting back against bullies, and apparently the teachers don’t hesitate to smack the bullies on the hands or back of the neck with a ruler when they catch them. It’s almost like a time warp back to a small-town grade school from back in the 80’s or earlier.

It’s far from ideal, but there are no BOB’s or similarly creepy policies at least so it could be worse. I’m hoping one more year will have his language skills far enough along to go back to homeschooling. Even with some of the friends he’s made, our son certainly said he prefers homeschooling.