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9 years ago

Speaking about the road sides uses. We just back from Jamaica and they graze goats and horses on leashes to both keep the grass down and have a yield from it

9 years ago

Great show. Starting your own 4H club was great out of the box thinking. I have been interested in learning more about keyline systems, maybe you could post some suggested links in the comments.

9 years ago

I found your podcast a few months ago, and would like to say that I enjoy it very much. Keep up the good work. If I might though, I would like to give you my perspective on some of your interviews. Although very conversational and often times very informative, I find that sometimes they seem to drift with no particular point in view.

Today was a good example. As a newbie to all that is permaculture, I have no idea what a key line system is, and after more than an hour interviewing your guest, I still have no idea what a key line system is. Neither you nor your guest ever gave it even a basic definition, unless I somehow missed it. I kept waiting for it so as to gain some basic understanding of the concept and see if I might beneficially apply it at home but it never came.

It seemed like the interview kinda petered out, ending with your guest undecided as to whether he was going to actually do something useful in his life or just continue rearranging the deck chairs on the public education system. Perhaps an interview outline that keeps the conversation moving to a point?

Anyway, I hope you will take this in the way it is intended, to make a great show even better, and not as an unduly harsh criticism. You have made my work days pass much more quickly and most of the time I feel like I have learned something as well. I in particularly enjoy Alex’s and your takes on the history segments. Also, you have me re-inspired to finish the backyard orchard and garden that I started about 6 years ago but got derailed some time back. I’m even considering a duck-a-ponics system after watching a number of your duck chronicles episodes.


9 years ago

I would like to offer my apologies for my word choice with respect to Mr. Thrall’s potential future activities.

My views about the academic world (in which I was a Faculty member for nearly six years before my recent separation, the reasons for which I will not go into here) publishing papers by the truck load which few people read and fewer still act on was not meant to be the main point of my comment. So, again, my apologies.

The main point was intended to be that an already GREAT show would be that much better if the interviews had a little more structure. I certainly am not suggesting that you dumb them down in any way, only that they be a bit more purposeful with 1 or perhaps 2 discreet takeaways, better still if said takeaways were actionable.

I realize that I have no real business telling you how to run yours, but you did ask for feedback and comments. I wouldn’t have said anything if I didn’t care. I just hope that you will take it for what it’s worth (which might not be much) and not let the “good enough” be the enemy of the “better”.



9 years ago

A friend of mine got a garden going at a public middle school, checking with her to see how it is going, if they are still growing food, she did get approval, they have a garden club still growing things https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10151854269717429&video_source=pages_finch_main_video

9 years ago

I actually live about 20 minutes from Chico, Ca. I’d love to meet up with Frank sometime and give him my ear for some of his idea’s on permaculture.

Jose Garcia
9 years ago

Regarding gardens: Our UK friends call their veggie gardens Allotments. I stumbled on the term doing a search for growing potatoes in containers. So if you want know how people in the UK garden search for Allotment on youtube. The word itself has some interesting origins. People with little to no land such as apartment dwellers often rent an Allotment from their local government to garden in. The measure of the allotment plots is predetermined and payment is due annually. There is usually a waiting period to get an allotment. Anyway, just a little trivia.

Sara F. Hathaway
9 years ago

Great episode, loved your take on the Jade training. I laughed my butt off.

9 years ago


/sarc on
Jade Helm is in with Wal-mart!

The closed Wal-mart stores have secret tunnels that Jade helm will use to get all across the US! And Wal-mart is an anagram for Mart-law…Martial Law!! ahhhhh They’re gonna get us!

/sarc off

I hope you got a laugh! Keep up the awesome work bro!

-KC in Austin

9 years ago

If I see Jade Helm come up on my FB feed one more time, I am going to start defriending folks, some of them family!

Jack, you may have mentioned this before, but what gets me is the people hollering the loudest that our troops should only defend the homeland are the most hysterical when it comes to them training here.

Now excuse me while I go get imprisoned at Wally World….

Jose Garcia
9 years ago

Maybe Jade Helm has been doubled fried in conspiracy theories to hide something else. Has anyone asked, why the government may be conducting such an extensive military training in the southwest? Is the homeland at risk in any shape way or form? I wouldn’t dismiss this training as ‘just training’, especially at a time when we are sending lots of assets and equipment back home from the ME .

I don’t fear fema camps or round-up operations but perhaps the government is preparing for something else.

sam kephart
sam kephart
9 years ago

there actually has been some intelligent analysis of Jade Helm in the conspiratorial realm….. this guy is a real dummie….

9 years ago

Would like your take on this then re: Jade Helm. What if the guy is a Tin Hatter or even someone who saw an Alex Jones and called an elected official to ask for clarification. Does it warrant a visit from a three letter agency?
Thanks for all the great info you share with us, Jack.

Zane D Clark
9 years ago

Great show!

Having been born, raised and spending a career in Modesto, Ca, and still living and retired in the County, it is refreshing to hear someone like Frank who is here doing the work.