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12 years ago

Jack, this brings up a question I have had- is there still hope of you doing the book on use of a rifle?

Matthew N Gooseneck
Matthew N Gooseneck
12 years ago

Mr Nobody is one of my fav guests! I cannot wait to listen!

Backwoods Engineer
Backwoods Engineer
12 years ago

Looking forward to this interview. Love Joe Nobody. He is one of my favorite guests, along with Harris and Wheaton.

I bought “Home Schooled Shootist” about a month ago, when it first came out. I need to start a training program using what Joe wrote.

Also, Joe’s 3rd book in the “Bishop and Terri” series is out, Holding Their Own III. I am enjoying that, and biding my time until Glen Tate gets 299 Days Books 3 & 4 out 🙂

12 years ago

I’ve got Joe Nobody’s non-fiction as well as fiction books. To me, the manuals seem to be a great resource.

My opinion as a former Marine is he condenses about 3 or 4 different schools and curriculums along with alot of current military thinking into some very practical, very do it yourself without logistics versions of the training I’ve seen at SOI.

It’s not John Rambo nonsense, it’s designed to be practical for a normal person with rational thoughts. You have to stay alive to keep your family alive. Bottom line.

12 years ago

There is a caveat with the 1x-4/6x optics, most of the cheaper options are not a true 1x power so you will have parallax, and the eyebox (area where you can actually see through the scope) is very small. The small eyebox is not a problem on the range, but when you are trying to shoot from non-standard positions it is very difficult to keep eye in the correct position. This is one of the reasons the high end optics cost so much, they have huge eyeboxes and are very forgiving with head position, as well as being a true 1x.

Joe Nobody
Joe Nobody
12 years ago
Reply to  B

I agree 100% with this post. With optics, you typically get what you pay for. As this configuation becomes more and more popular, the lower cost options should improve. You all already know this, but I’ve got to say it anyway – be careful spending that hard earned $$$$. There’s a lot of justification behind that old saying, “Buy nice or buy twice.”


12 years ago
Reply to  B

Correct B…I have one long range scope that cost 4 times what some of my AR type rifles cost. But I can move it from rifle to rifle with my LaRue rings. Parallax sux and makes me shoot iron sights. ha

12 years ago

Great work Jack!

12 years ago

I don’t get much chance to shoot at moving targets with a rifle or hand gun, but both my wife and I both enjoy shooting trap and sporting clays and have gotten pretty good up to 60 yards. The first gun I grab in an emergency or even If it sounds like someone is trying something shady is my shotgun. That being said I think I’ll check into these books.

12 years ago

Police officer asks: “what’s your name ?”

You: “Joe Nobody”

Police officer: “don’t wise off to me son, or I will bring you down to the station do you understand ?”

12 years ago
Reply to  surfivor

I am starting to get it .. I wasn’t paying attention to the previous Joe Nobody show and at the time I thought how could anybody have that name but I figured maybe I was wrong if there was a real show, but now I see it’s an anonymous name .. what about tying an object to a rope and trying to shoot it as it swings ?

12 years ago

These are great skills to practice even if it’s only for hunting. I mean how many critters that we hunt stand still to get shot? Also, I think hunting itself would be excellent training, because you will find yourself in all sorts of positions and situations that will strech your skills.

Ever get “buck fever” while hunting or been spooked by a flushing bird? Do you think working through those situations will help train you (somewhat) for a combat situation? I realize that it’s not the same, but is there a better way to train with that stress componant?

Who wants to go hunting?!

12 years ago

Can someone put up a link to the newer style of scopes Joe mentioned? I’ve listened to the interview a few times now, and am still not sure I’m hearing the info on the scopes correctly. Great interview, thanks!

Joe Nobody
Joe Nobody
12 years ago
Reply to  Conrad

I don’t know if links are allowed, but here are some models you can search on:

High Cost – Leupold 1.1 – 8 x 24 CQBSS ($3,000 +)

Med Cost – SWFA SS 1 – 6 x 24 Tactical 30mm ($900)

Low Cost – Weaver 1-5 x 24 Tactical Scope Illuminated ($500)

If you don’t want a First Focal Plane reticle, then you can reduce the above prices by a third. FFP will be important to some people, not to others.

Have fun…Joe

12 years ago
Reply to  Joe Nobody

Is the SWFA 1 x 6 night vision compatable? How would you mount a Pvs-14 behind it? Could you “wire in” AA batteries some how? After reading holding your own I ordered a thermal eye x200 and opmod Pvs-14 and eotech 552. I can solar recharge AAs but am not sure about the FFP batteries.

12 years ago

Just ordered this new book and T. Tuxedo. Looking forward to learning more!

Dan Hunter
Dan Hunter
12 years ago

Just tried the laser training with the both index fingers squeezing at the same time it works.I was hitting targets low and to the left and it seemed to help a lot.I tried it on a center of mass target and a smaller bottle 15 times.

12 years ago

Is the blog link the holdingyourown.com broken? I keep getting a 404 / permission denied.

Joe Nobody
Joe Nobody
12 years ago
Reply to  Chris

Yes, it is. My apologies, but our web service provider wasn’t ready for the volumn that hit our website. I’m told by our techies that the blog will be back up and live tomorrow.

We’ve also had reports that B&N was downloading copies of Shootist without the diagrams and pictures. If this happens, we recommend you get a refund from B&N and try again. Their tech support informed us this morning that it was their error and had been corrected.