If You Use the Jaxx Wallet Make Sure to Upgrade to Jaxx Liberty Now
Jaxx came out with a new wallet called Jaxx Liberty quite a while ago but has recently stated they are soon going to fully discontinue the original classic Jaxx Wallet. I find it highly unlikely that if you have the old wallet on your computer or phone that it will just stop working, because of how crypto works in the first place but I do think if you have held out the time to upgrade is now.
The good news is it is easy to do. To do this simply download Jaxx Liberty, if you are on your phone you can find it in your app store. Once you have Jaxx Liberty open the application and select restore a wallet instead of creating a new one. Then all you need to do is enter your 12 word back up phrase for Jaxx and it will import all your currencies.
About that backup phrase. I can’t emphasize enough that you need to have that thing written down and saved in a secure location, two is better. Also saving it in a text file on your computer is DUMB as it realy DUMB, don’t do it. Anyone with your 12 word phrase can steal all your crypto. While I don’t recommend relying on it I do recommend you memorize it as well. The best way to do this is memorize three words at a time. Do this for a full week. The next week memorize the next three words, do this by saying the words aloud. In week one you only say the first three, the second week the first six. The third week work on the next three so you say aloud several times a day the first nine. Then the fourth do the entire thing. Continue the full 12 for the next 3 full weeks. At that point it will be almost impossible for you to forget the phrase.
Again do not rely on this memorization, have a back up written down but the value of knowing your phrase by heart is huge. Tune in today for more on this, having a plan for your heirs with your crypto and more. I feel the “great cleansing” that I talked about back in early 2018 has about finished at this point. As I predicted while a lot of quality projects are still around, many of the absolute “shit coins” are now dead and gone. We needed this to happen for crypto to fulfill its ultimate potential.
P.S. – I realize that Jaxx Liberty is really “old news” at this point but when I installed it back in February I never removed Jaxx Classic from my iPhone. Recently I was clearing out old apps and saw it. I opened it and while it still worked just fine a very clear warning from Jaxx to upgrade immediately came up. Hence I felt compelled to post this today and it fits nicely with some things I want to say about Crypto on today’s show.