
Episode-720- An Interview with Jason Fields of The Urban Farming Guys — 12 Comments

  1. this is probably the most helpful pod cast yet.the urban farming guys are fantastic thanks to both of you

  2. Watched some videos from these guys and it looks awsome. I lived in that neighborhood for awhile, wish I new these people. It’s great all the work that they’re doing for that community.

  3. Great show today ….I am in a large metro area ,mostly blue collar neighborhood . I have seen their vids on You Tube as they were posted ,really good stuff .
    What stood-out on todays show was something Jason said (29m30s) about the guy who’s job was to bring down property values in the neighborhood.
    I have no reason to doubt Jason ,but if what he said is true ,you have to wonder why some places are as they are.
    Keep up the good work both Jack And Jason.

  4. Great podast guys…very inspiring!…do you know of anything like this going on in the Philadelphia area?

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  6. I really enjoyed this interview, and my hat’s off to the Urban Farming Guys for living out their beliefs. Being a country boy, I have no interest in moving to the city, and in fact I want to get further out that I already am in my little town. To each his own, and it’s good to hear these guys doing so much good in the inner city.

  7. Pingback:Kansas City » Meet Jason Fields of The Urban Farming Guys |