
Is America a Fascist State – If So Does that Have anything to do with Trump — 24 Comments

  1. If the leftists were reasonable (as in they could be reasoned with), I’d just ask them for their definition of fascism, what does it look like? and then show them case by case where it’s the leftists who are the fascists/hitler/brown shirts/whatever. The left is the party of projection (they also have no interest in reasoning).

  2. By the way, the left keeps criticizing Capitalism, but the problems they list in our country are not because of capitalism, certainly not free enterprise, but as Jack points out, it fascism. We’ve let fascism creep into so many industries, then they blame capitalism.

    • If you think this is a LEFT problem, you are not even close to understanding what I just took time to right.

      • Oh no! I don’t think that at all. The entire establishment is the problem. It’s just that it’s the leftist that have been screaming fascism at everyone who disagrees with them.

  3. Jack,
    Very informative post. I know you type like 1000 wpm, but, a spell check might lend more credibility among those who would jump on you for it (not me, it’s the meaning that counts. Hell, I never know when to use a comma or semi-colon). Loved the closing lines, as my best buddy is suffering this right now, “his side” lost.
    Thanks again!

    • If you discount what I say due to a typo, you would never have cared about what I said without any typos, and hence I just don’t fucking care.

    • Jack, please give Overview of America a chance. I know there are parts of it you may not particularly like, but overall it is quite excellent.

  4. Well said. There was a podcast some time back that discussed the state as a dragon. They supposed that many of the tails of the good saint or knight slaying the dragon was actually riding the people from oppressive systems or people mini-States. The minarchist believes that a young dragon can be chained, fed, and made to serve the people, but dragons by nature grow and break their chains and feed on their captors. By the time the realize the dragon is bad and destroy it. They either seek a nicer smaller dragon to take its place or enlist a friercer larger dragon to aid them overtaking it. In the end, they always seek to replace their dragon another. The anarchist is the person who says we cannot ever keep a dragon as even a small controlled dragon will one day overcome us, and we will always end up feed for the state, ehh hum.. dragon. I think the podcast was by Bad Quaker. Nice archives, but wish it was still active.

  5. Here from Portugal, I still believe in USA and its citizens as a reference for the Planet. Trump is just an accident.

    • Trump is a result of the left calling the right sexist, racist, misogynist, sexist, etc. Trump is the result about the bulls of so called, “white male privilege”. And Trump has NOTHING to do with how fucked up America is today. He is a result of how bad we are, he has nothing to do with its cause.

  6. Hi Jack,
    I agree, the US is a fascist state. In my mind, it’s been that way for a while

    I wanted to make a couple points about this discussion. One is that I don’t think many people understand many of the terms being bantered about. You gave a good definition of fascism: β€œAn alliance between government and industry to fleece the citizens.” I agree with that, but would like to add the term β€˜corporate’ to the definition. I would replace the term industrial with the word corporate because it is really the corporate behavior that initiates the fascist behaviors.

    The only official definition of Fascism comes from Benito Mussolini, the founder of fascism, in which he outlines three principles of a fascist philosophy…

    1. “Everything in the state”. The Government is supreme and the country is all-encompasing, and all within it must conform to the ruling body, often a dictator.
    2. “Nothing outside the state”. The country must grow and the implied goal of any fascist nation is to rule the world, and have every human submit to the government.
    “Nothing against the state”. Any type of questioning the government is not to be tolerated. If you do not see things our way, you are wrong. If you do not agree with the government, you cannot be allowed to live and taint the minds of the rest of the good citizens.

    We saw these type of behaviors (both your’s and Mussolini’s) manifest themselves in much of our recent and not so recent national foreign policy. Look at what happened in Syria, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Nicaragua. These interventions really didn’t benefit the US citizenry or the people who live in those countries. They benefited the corporate machines in place and steering our governments.

    In all of these examples, and there are many others, it seems to me the overarching goal was to create a climate good for corporate exploitation, either thru direct corporate profit (military industrial congressional media complex), or thru exploitation of resources (oil minerals, labor). Eisenhower warned us of the Military Industrial complex. other examples exist. These corporate machines now control our elections and national and state governments.

  7. The other point I wanted to make was that many folks don’t use the terms fascism, socialism, communism, capitalism, imperialism, democracy and republic correctly. The terms are bantied about with little recognition of their true meaning.

    In my mind the terms socialism, communism and capitalism refer to a type of economic system, while democracy, imperialism and republic refer to a type of government. Fascism seems to be a blending of the two.

    In the Scandinavian countries there exists democratic socialism; the government style is democratic and the economic system is social… all the while operating as a capitalist.

    In the US we are supposed to have a democratic republic, but I’d argue against that notion. Our elections at a national and state level is about auctioning of the seat to the highest bidder… and as Greg Palast says, ‘we have the best democracy money can buy’.

    As for being a capitalist nation, that is bogus too. In capitalism there are disciplines to adhere to, like cleaning up after yourself and having the same rules apply to everyone. When something is to big to fail and is bailed out by the government, that is called socialism.

  8. IMO, any discussion about a state that is in terms of ‘they want our money’ is a complete dead end. Fiat money is not ‘our money’, it’s their money. Created for the same reason as the ‘two-party’ system: to increase ‘their’ control over ‘us’.

    The joke however, if we drew ‘they’ and ‘us’ as a venn diagram, it would become apparent that the overlap is 99.9%.

    A more useful discussion (again IMO) for determining who is really ‘us’ (or at least me) is: how are you demonstrating that you believe in human freedom? As in the OPPOSITE of control.

    Are you forging your own chains by cooperating or even promoting actions by ‘them’ that increase their control over ‘us’?

    I recently read Dmitry Orlov’s ‘Shrinking The Technosphere’… and I appreciated his naming of the thing that we’re against. He calls it ‘the technosphere’, and it’s not a group of people, it’s an idea, or if you prefer an impersonal force. It’s goal is control of everything. It doesn’t care about living things, and it denies the existence of limits (growth without purpose – cancer).

    (not a full endorsement of the book, but it has some interesting ideas that will make you think)

    enough babbling πŸ˜‰

    • Rereading this, not totally clear what I’m saying..

      The ‘middle tier’ wants your money. The upper tier is ‘beyond money’.

      It reminds me of the verse:
      For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

      Not because it’s woo-woo, but because this is really a question of what ideology we accept and support.

      Personification of this idea makes it easier to identify when you see it in ‘the big room’.

      • Well, that was depressing! Hadn’t heard of the drone pollinators before. I’m thinking more and more that the neocortex just might be an evolutionary dead end.

        …I was meaning to read Orlov’s book at some point but never got around to it.

  9. IMO, any discussion about a state that is in terms of ‘they want our money’ is a complete dead end. Fiat money is not ‘our money’, it’s their money. Created for the same reason as the ‘two-party’ system: to increase ‘their’ control over ‘us’.

    The joke however, if we drew ‘they’ and ‘us’ as a venn diagram, it would become apparent that the overlap is 99.9%.

    A more useful discussion (again IMO) for determining who is really ‘us’ (or at least me) is: how are you demonstrating that you believe in human freedom? As in the OPPOSITE of control.

    Are you forging your own chains by cooperating or even promoting actions by ‘them’ that increase their control over ‘us’?

    I recently read Dmitry Orlov’s ‘Shrinking The Technosphere’… and I appreciated his naming of the thing that we’re against. He calls it ‘the technosphere’, and it’s not a group of people, it’s an idea, or if you prefer an impersonal force. It’s goal is control of everything. It doesn’t care about living things, and it denies the existence of limits (growth without purpose – cancer).

    (not a full endorsement of the book, but it has some interesting ideas that will make you think)

    enough babbling πŸ˜‰

  10. I have just read the Wikipedia article on the “Whiskey Rebellion” of 1791. If you read the whole article, I think that you may find that it illustrates many of the points that Jack is talking about. Also, the article suggests that this was the perhaps at least partly the initial impetus for the development of political parties in the U.S. soon after.

  11. Thanks, this was a very helpful explanation of fascism (classical fascism vs new-fascism). Modern day fascism seems less obvious and more deceptive. We think we are free and have a choice, but we really don’t. I’m seeing this more now from listening to your podcast and reading your blog. I think the only way to be free is to be aware of this reality and to live as independently as possible of the state. Thanks for providing the knowledge and resources to start on this path!