SPQR Everything Bagel Seasoning – Item of the Day
Every day I bring you an item on Amazon that I personally use or has been purchased by many members of the audience and I have researched enough to recommend.
Today’s TSP Item of the day is SPQR Everything Bagel Seasoning. Before I fully committed to low carb one of the biggest temptations I fell for was bagels, and everything bagels. Man toasted in the oven with some cream cheese and baked thick bacon. I will say even now I would rather have that for a cheat day then a piece of cake or a bag of some shitty candy.
So the first time someone told me you could buy Everything Bagel Seasoning I felt like saying “Shut Your Ass” like Raj did on Big Bang Theory. I then wondered why I never thought of it, I mean the bagel people get it somewhere right! It isn’t made of magic, in fact this is what is in this Everything Bagel Seasoning…
- Sesame Seeds
- Sea Salt Flakes
- Dried Minced Garlic
- Dried Minced Onion
- Black Sesame Seeds
- Poppy Seeds
Not exactly top secret and no need to break into a lab to get any of the ingredients. It is one of those things though that is far simpler to buy premixed than make yourself though. One quick warning while not a ton, it does have poppy seeds they have caused false positives on drug tests for opiates but that usually requires a LOT of them right before a test.
Now I just posted the Dash Mini Waffle Maker this week too and how to make chaffels with it. That is my favorite thing to put this one, see the video below for more on that. But it is goon on anything that you want to be zesty anyway. Dan Akroid once said of Tabasco Sauce that he put it on “anything humans consume”, while I won’t go that far with this stuff it is very versatile.
The newest way we are using it is for low carb crackers. To do this we just use “carb ballance” tortillias, hit them with a bit of egg wash for stickiness and add the seasoning to them and bake about 20ish minutes at 350. Simple and delicious and they taste a lot like bagel chips too! This would be great on top of any bread or bread substitute and it is just a good seasoning in general. It is also a fantastic salad topper, especially any salad with a meat or fish addition to it. My favorite for that is chicken.
Now on the brand, when I was first told about it my friend said he got it at Trader Joe’s. I tried it, it was good, I also tried a few other brands but when I tried SPQR’s Everything Bagel Seasoning I knew I had found the best of the best. Doesn’t hurt that it costs a hell of a lot less than Trader Joe’s either. At 10 bucks for a 10oz jar, it lasts a long time for the money. I think if you give it a shot it will quickly earn a permanent home in your kitchen. See the two videos below for our two favorite ways to use it.
Remember you can always find all of our reviews at TspAz.com
P.S. – The first video is for the low carb crackers, the second for chaffles.
I made this for lunch. I live in a food desert, so had to make some substitutions:
I had no almond flour, so used coconut flour.
No Xanthan gum, so I used a tablespoon of vital wheat gluten. For those sensitive, omit.
The rest as published. Not bad at all. Next time I will allow to rest about 10 minutes before baking.
Thanks, Jack. (Going on 6 weeks without using any insulin.)
Keto has changed my life.
If you are going to make chaffles often it is totally worth ordering some almond flour and xanthan gum.
I use the OTHER offering from Trader Joe’s… “Trader Joe’s Everything but the Bagel Sesame Seasoning” because it is certified kosher by the O-U (a widely accepted kosher certification agency).
As far as I can tell, there is no certification mark on “SPQR Everything Bagel Seasoning.” Apparently the label says “kosher certified,” but it doesn’t say who the certifying agency or individual is. Thus, I will have to contact the company to ask. Trust me. I’m not going to bother. This is how many kosher certification agencies like the O-U can charge good money to allow their trademarks to appear on the label. The food company knows that they will get additional sales to offset the cost of certification.
How does this apply to the Survival Podcast?
Well… if you want people to choose permaculture certified food products, then you will need some way to identify them without the government getting overly involved like they did with so-called “organic” products. Trademarks fit the bill. Each private permaculture certification agency should build its own reputation and gain the trust of the public. Thus, if Jack Spirko slaps his trademark on the label (the guy in sunglasses and headphones), people will trust the trademark because Jack is trusted within the community. Wheres, if the label only says “permaculture certified” people will not know who said so or what that even means, and having the government define what “permaculture” means takes us down the road of “organic”. I sure don’t want that.
Alex Shrugged
Ok, Dorothy totally sold me on making these crackers. She should do a whole series on “keto quickies in the kitchen” or something like that.
I’m not so big on the seeds part of that seasoning but I have a great substitute in mind. Thanks.
So I just tried making the crackers, but not so successfully. I started with a flour tortilla, not the low carb kind, because that’s what was here, just for the process. I used my toaster over at 300°, and when I came back to check at 9 minutes, they had already went too long. I’ll have to try again at a little lower temp and check much sooner.
But for seasoning, I used salt, garlic, basil and dill, which I happen to prefer. I’ll be trying again soon with a little closer attention.
In addition to coconut flour, do you have any suggestions for an almond flour substitute?
None I have tried, you could try another nut meal and lets be honest that is what nut flours are. I have used hazelnut and pecan in some other things with decent results.
An observation. Insights are welcome.
I made the chaffle recipe over the weekend using a traditional size (7″ diameter versus the 4″ Dash) waffle iron. The result was one 5″ diameter chaffle. That is an area of 20 square inches. A 4″ chaffle would have an area of 13 square inches (total area of 26 square inches for two).
The local stores don’t sell Sargento 4 State Cheddar so I used the cheese already in my fridge. It is a finely shredded cheese so I used it straight from the package, no additional chopping.
After I measured 1/2 cup of cheese and dumped it into my Anchor Hocking 4 cup measuring cup, I noticed it looked less than the amount of cheese in the video.
In the video, 1/2 teaspoon (not 1/4 teaspoon as listed on the 9-15-20 Item of the Day) of xanthan gum is used so I used that too.
I used a chicken egg, large. Do duck eggs make a big difference?
I used a 1/2 cup measuring cup and measuring spoons (tablespoon, 1/2 teaspoon). Could that make such a difference?
I know this isn’t rocket science but I prefer to achieve a recipe’s intended results a few times before deciding whether or not to start tweaking it.