Shoe Goo Shoe Repair Adhesive – Item of the Day
Today’s TSP Amazon Item of the day is Shoe Goo Show Repair Adhesive. Lets be honest about shoes and boots, here are a few facts. Fact one they are not built like they used to be. I remember having boots until the soles literally wore off them and having new soles added to them. Fact two while being of lower quality than they were in the past they are expensive. Fact three the number one failure point with shoes and boots tends to be the attachment of the sole to the main boot/shoe body. Fact four when that failure becomes bad enough it makes walking in them a pain and in some cases depending on where you are dangerous.
I have used this product a long time and really should of put it on TspAz long ago, but during my recent trip to California I used it and that got me thinking about putting it up on the site. About 4 days into my trip I did an inspection of my boots and both had real issues with the sole weld. In particular one was in danger of total catastrophic failure.
We had an easy day the next morning and my walking shoes were fine for that but the following day was our major hike into Montgomery Woods to see ancient redwoods over 1,000 years old. While not a “survival situation” it was an important one. The entire reason we took this quite expensive (both in time & money) trip was because seeing these trees was on my wife’s bucket list.
I took out the Shoe Goo, pumped it into the soles of both boots, and used a dumbbell for one to weight down the boot that needed the most help. By the time of our hike they were fully dried and totally solid on our hike. So 7 dollar product saved the entire point of a very expensive vacation.
And while I have a show coming up on travel prepping for stuff like that don’t think it is the only use. Let’s look at why this is a true prepper product. First if you do the back backing thing and don’t carry this on long multi day hikes you are simply wrong. Next money is tighter today than in any recent time in US history. Inflation is nuts, if you can defer the purchase of a pair of expensive foot wear a year or two (often you can) that money can be put to other uses. Lastly if we get into a long term supply chain issue (which we all know can happen) the ability to fix what you have goes up.
So keep this stuff on hand, it is some of the cheapest insurance you can ever buy. You can just get it by the tube on sale right now for about 7 bucks a pack. I recommend 2-3 stored in a cool dry place, unopened it will last for years and years. You can also get a “kit” with some nozzles to better inject it into small failures along with some tools to shape and spread the goo. Personally I just tear some of the cardboard off the pack to spread it and have never felt the need for a fine nozzle but if you are repairing shoes where you are really concerned about the looks you might so I figured I would mention it.
See the short video for what my field repairs look like. While initially it really shows up, after a few days you don’t really notice it. So add Shoe Goo to your preps today and shore up one of the most over looked prepper items for day to day, hiking and long term supply chain situations.
Remember you can always find the TSP Amazon Item of the day by just going to and by shopping at anytime you shop on Amazon you help support TSP and the work we do here no matter what you buy.
Need. A link to Amazon for this
There are three links in the article where the words shoe goo are in blue and the image links as well. Here is the link though