The Two Best Hose Nozzles on the Market – Item of the Day
Every day I bring you an item on Amazon that I personally use or has been purchased by many members of the audience and I have researched enough to recommend.
Today’s TSP Amazon Item of the day is a two fer. It is made up of the Ikris Heavy Duty 10 Pattern Hose Nozzle and the Solid Brass Hose Nozzle sold by Nysist. This is a review that pisses me off that I even have to do. Note this format will be a bit different and the video included will help you make the best decision for yourself. This video gives you a good overview of both.
The Problem – Almost every hose nozzle and watering wand made today to be blunt is a total piece of f*&king shit! It took literally days of research to find two nozzles that people did not despise and where the reviews were not fake. I have tossed out well over a dozen piece of shit solutions in the past five years. I will admit more than one now lays in the woods behind my property thrown there in a fit of rage. And while I am a GenXer I admit I did it while bitching like a deranged boomer about “things no longer being made like they used to make em”.
The Solution – These two are both great. When I first got them I was sure how long the Ikris will last as it does have quite a bit of plastic in it. At this point I have used it for 2 years with no problems so that keeps it ranking in the top three recommendations. I now can confidently recommend both of these and the right one will depend on what you want.
The Ikris
The Good – very heavy duty, the shower setting puts a huge volume of water exactly where you want it and it won’t damage plants. It also has a throttle so you can adjust the spray force for any of the ten patterns. The 10 patterns are great as well.
The Negative – the only negative again is a significant amount of plastic specifically on the spray pattern disk. In time I do expect it to clog (see mitigation heading below) but I can’t see this not lasting me 5 years or more. 95% of my other nozzles were tossed in one season or less.
The Brass Nozzle from Nysist
The Good – heavy duty, all metal except for two o-rings and one washer. These can all be replaced in seconds for pennies. This item should last until you lose it or drop it down a well or something like that. If you get a clog you can clear it in seconds. There is just nothing to break you can’t fix.
The Negative – it can’t put the volume of water on a precise area the Ikris can. I likely would not even notice this if I was not comparing the two which tells you how good the Ikris is at this. It also has no “throttle” as you reduce the pressure the pattern changes. (see mitigation heading below)
The Potential of the Ikris to Clog – I keep CLR on hand and soak any such items in it about once a month. Note my water is extremely hard, if you don’t have this issue, I really don’t think this will even be an issue for you.
The lack of a “throttle” for the Brass Nozzle – A simple valve like this can add that feature for you.
The lack of precision on the Brass Nozzle – This really only effects me as my garden is a standard 4 foot wide raised bed. My wife’s flower garden is a lot wider, she actually prefers the brass nozzle for her needs.
Extra Bonus
The brass nozzle comes with a free “sweeper nozzle” it is bad ass for getting things like say duck shit off a porch. (ask how I know) It has no on or off setting but again the same valve can fix that for you.
Final thoughts
I have both and likely will buy one more of both of them because I have a lot of places I need them and I want to compare both long term. I personally prefer the Ikris for my gardens but I think you will be happy with either one.
So check out the Ikris 10 Pattern Nozzle and the Solid Brass Nozzle by Nysist and decide for yourself. But if you are just fed the hell up with junk nozzles like me, either one will solve the problem. The Brass one is about 25 bucks and the Ikris is about 18. Flatly if they were both 30 they’d be worth it. My Granddad’s words ring true, “you get what you pay for”. If you want to stop cursing at junk nozzles like a deranged Boomer these are the best I have to recommend.
Remember you can always find all of our reviews at
Note – No boomers were harmed in the production of this review. If you feel harmed by being referred to, well, take a nap. Honestly I was really thinking more of my Grandfather’s generation when making the “boomer” comments. He was WWII generation but since most are gone now, it’s your turn Boomers.
P.S. – When I first did this review I got a lot of great feedback and another recommendation from a person I trust. It was for the Bon-Aire Original Ultimate Aluminum Hose Nozzle. I have not reviewed it yet but I own it, love it and have used it for a while now. I would say any of the three are solid investments. I’d rank all three about equal depending on your wants and needs.
Oh my goodness! You have finally managed to offend me Jack.
“Deranged boomers”? Really?
(Wish you could see the grin on this deranged boomers face)
I have a problem with spray handles that have that type of adjuster you move with your thumb. Boomer here with a bit of finger arthritis. The ones I have had a very hard to adjust. I am liking the Gilmour Heavy Duty Rear Control Watering Nozzle. I like you have gone through a lot of these and like the Gilmour products. They seem to be a little better than the rest of the Chinese junk.
Wouldnt you know, the Ikris is out of stock with no known restock available. Jack, you break amazon stocking with your recommendations, LOL!
It happens. Get the brass one. Before it is gone too.