
Vevor Garden Kneeler & Bench – Item of the Day — 6 Comments

  1. Jack

    Thanks for the recommendation on this. This is exactly what I need to get a grip on my gardening. Here in north central WA, we go from semi-dormant spring growing to long-hot day growing in a manner of a few days (currently occurring). I need to keep on top of the weeding and planting and having this as my tool holster/helper will be excellent!

  2. I finally ordered this product – looks useful! However the checkout process was painful … when you enter your shipping address, for City they present a scrolling roller thing (not sure what you call it) where you have to keep scrolling through all the city names and select your city when you find it rather than just type it in.

    The cities in my very large state are NOT in alphabetical, or any kind of order that I could tell, and you couldn’t bring it up by typing the first letter of the city name. I had to scroll about 3/4 of the way down as shown by the slider on the right to find my city (Austin) and it took probably 10 minutes to find it as I didn’t want to go too fast and miss it and have to start over.

    I registered with the site so hopefully they’ve stored my entire shipping address in case I order again. Jack, if you have a contact there, you might mention this to them.

    • Sounds like a browser issue in addition to free product I have ordered several items that I wasn’t willing to ask for since I don’t know that I can sell enough and to experience the customer side as well. Never had that issue and the first anyone has reported it. When something is typical trust me I hear about it, a lot.

      • Could be a browser thing. I use Firefox and very occasionally I have to try another browser. If I get a chance I might play with it some more. Thanks for checking into this!

  3. I just went to buy the 10″ and it is on sale for 42% off at $29.99 Cheaper than the 8″