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dave h
9 years ago

Finally a REAL honest to goodness survival topic! It’s been a while and I’ve been waiting for something like this!!!

B.E. Ward
B.E. Ward
9 years ago

Is this sort of a one-off thing or is Thursday going to be more of a Jack’s Choice sort of day? It’s all good, I was just sort of looking forward to a caller show today.. Haha

B.E. Ward
B.E. Ward
9 years ago

Totally understandable.. Thanks for all your efforts!

Erica / Northwest Edible Life

Of course we understand. What a crappy confluence. I was in a bad, car-totaling accident a few years ago. It sucked so much, took months to get over it. Remodeling and mold on top of that? Ugh. My sincere sympathies. Hope you feel better soon.

B.E. Ward
B.E. Ward
9 years ago

Also, if you ever felt up to it, I for one would appreciate a ‘lessons learned’ segment or show about your remodel experience. What you would done differently, early warning signs, etc.

KP Kunz
KP Kunz
9 years ago

Any future MSB discount possible with Southern Silencers?

Thanks. Hope you feel better.


9 years ago

I understand the lasting effects of a car wreck. I rolled my car three times about a year ago. It doesn’t seem like it can last as long as they do. For me it was 4 months. I hope your pain is short lived. I really like the Thursday/Friday schedule you did last week. Please keep up the good work you do.

9 years ago

I have been looking at supressors for a long time I had a guy tell me that he wished he would have bought a larger caliber one the first time. I was looking at a .22 supressor but he told me to get a larger one and it would work just fine on a .22. Is that true or am I better off getting a smaller rimfire one and a larger center fire pistol one?

(The New) Mike Cornwell

I’ve been looking at and thinking about getting a supressor for a long time.

After this interview, I spent a bit of time looking at a rifle to replace the one I have now. I’ve been thinking about going with the M1A scout. I found a video where a guy does the modifications necessary to put a suppressor on it, and it sounds like it could be worth the time spent on it.

The full sized M1A apparently requires no modifications or additional parts which is nice, but a smaller platform seems more usable to me all around.

Lane Douglas
9 years ago

Thanks for the positive comments!
I tried not to “sell” at all during the interview.
My market is Tennessee residents only. I will extend a discount to any member of the community. Call or email, tell me what you are looking to buy, identify yourself as a member of TSP community, I’ll get back to you with a discount.
I will answer questions submitted by any TSP community member, regardless of where you live.

9 years ago

It’s funny but I sent a question about suppressors for expert council member Brian Black about 2 weeks ago and now we get a whole show on them. Very informative. I am looking to purchase a suppressor and I am seeing stuff about “wet” or “dry” and was wondering if Lane could explain what they are refering to?

Also it is too bad he is only selling to Tennessee residents-I would rather buy from a MSB member than an online company.

David in MN
David in MN
9 years ago

But I live in Minnesota! 🙁

9 years ago
Reply to  David in MN

So move.

Lane Douglas
9 years ago

Dry is how most everyone uses their silencer. Wet referee to placing a small amount of water in the silencer prior to firing.
The water improves the performance by 2 to 4 dab. It normally lasts for about 3 to 5 shots, then time to add more water.
Some use water based liquids, wire drawing lubricants being the most popular.
Dan, hope this helped, if not, then you know the process.

Lane Douglas
9 years ago

Dakota Silencers is licensed to sell in MN.
Brandon Maddox is a good friend, he is owner.
He should be supportive of community in his area.